
R.H.o.A Teasips: Kenya has some fierce words for NeNe Leakes!

Kenya Slams NeNe for Being a Bad Friend!
Kenya Moore slams NeNe Leakes for turning on former bffs Cynthia Bailey and Marlo Hampton...

Kenya writes on her Bravo blog,
According to NeNe I bullied her to come to the ball! Aside from seasons prior to my debut on the show, I have personally witnessed NeNe’s acts of terrorism. I have never threatened anyone by being made to choose to be on my side or else suffer the consequences; I don’t use my status on the show or intimidation tactics to try to sabotage other Housewives’ success on the show; and I certainly don’t “unfriend” people who don’t agree with me. I don’t subscribe to this type of egregious self-serving behavior. There are children suffering, even dying from being bullied. Let’s not further exploit the word in order to gain sympathy, it only diminishes those who are truly victims.
NeNe has spent a lot of her time unnecessarily blaming me for her pillow talk party instead of looking to herself. She has never apologized to me for how she treated me that night, or her role in the fight that ensued. NeNe has never once apologized to me for the way she behaved at the ball. She never apologized to Peter or Cynthia for the manner in which she consistently emasculates and disrespects her best friend’s husband.
Furthermore, NeNe is using pillow talk gate to justify why she has targeted me as her enemy. I have personally done nothing to NeNe but try to be her friend, even apologizing for something that wasn’t solely my fault as she insists. Even if I was to blame for the pillow talk melee, which I am not, is that a reason to disown someone as a friend? Her cruelty and nastiness towards me is completely unfounded and based on her own insecurities. With that said, I refuse to dim my light in order to make her comfortable.

Wasn’t it NeNe who said “no bitch is going to tell her who she can be friends with” in reference to inviting my ex to her wedding? Clearly, my feelings didn’t matter, to add insult to injury they are not even friends. Point being, Marlo should have a right to be friendly with me. Cynthia has been the most blindly loyal friend NeNe has probably ever had. Yet, the moment Cynthia did not agree with NeNe calling her husband countless bitches, NeNe turns on Cynthia as if she has somehow been disloyal to her. Most of us are smart enough to see beyond NeNe’s smoke screen. The moment Marlo becomes friendly with me, she is labeled a turncoat opportunist. Hypocrisy at its best. NeNe does photo ops with Kim Kardashian, but Marlo is the opportunist? #byefelicia
The truth remains the truth. Her arrogant “I am better than everyone else attitude” is hard to stomach. Even her most loyal fans can see her true colors and no Kool-Aid in the world is worth dying over. After seeing how disposable her long time friends are to her as she discards them like trash if they dare go against her, she is no one’s friend only a dictator in her own mind. I don’t need friends like her in my life.

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