
Rapper: T-Pain Calls Out Homophobia In Hip-Hop!

Rapper: T-Pain Calls Out Homophobia In Hip-Hop!

Though the entire world, well except for Russia, is beginning to warm up to the idea of gays being everywhere, Singer T-Pain busts the door wide open in a new interview. When it comes to hip-hop the gays are still not welcome. Yikes.

Gays are everywhere, especially in the entertainment community. And
I’ll go even further and say especially in hip-hop.
And while SGL ‘s [same gender loving] seem to be making some ground in the area of acceptance and equality, it seems that some in the hip-hop community are hell bent on remaining immature assholes.
In a recent interview with Vlad TV, Pain addresses the “no homo” b.s. still plaguing the culture:

“I think it’s just niggas man,” T-Pain said when asked about the time he compared himself to reality star Ray J. “You ever notice how homophobic niggas is all the time? It’s like, dude if you ain’t gay, then gay things shouldn’t bother you, gay people shouldn’t bother you. You ain’t going to get your ass pumped dude, ain’t nobody trying to look for you my nigga. You can say gay things but not be seen as gay. You don’t gotta say, ‘No homo.’ You ain’t gotta say, ‘I want a hot dog, no homo…’ Be comfortable with your manhood. We know you fuck bitches my nigga.”
The vocoder star also claims that the urban music community is not “gay-friendly” and says its the reason why people don’t collaborate with Frank Ocean because of his sexual orientation even though they would want him on their song.

“I think the radio is getting more gay-friendly,” he said. “I don’t think urban music is getting more gay-friendly because if that was the case, Frank Ocean would be on a lot more songs. I know niggas that will not do a song with Frank Ocean just because he gay, but they need him on the fucking song and that’s so terrible to me man… What I do ain’t going to affect nothing that you got going

The musical homie has a gay assistant, and talks about the struggles he deals with with his “homies” when his assistant is around.

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