
NeNe VS Marlo PT#2 Marlo is eyeing NeNe's Job on R.H.o.A!

Is Marlo Hampton Trying To Snatch NeNe Leakes' "RHOA" Spot? The Tea On Their BEEF 
Oh Marlo.  Now that NeNe Leakes is feeling like the cameras and spotlights are flipping the script on her, putting her in a negative light due to all he recent "RHOA" drama, it seems Marlo may be trying to get in where she fits in.  And tis may be why NeNe no longer considers her a frined.  Check out what Marlo has said and done recently 

So, after Nene tweeted a while back she and Marlo are no longer friends, we're now starting to see why.  NeNe may feel that Marlo switched to Kenya Moore's Team Twirl on her after the last episode when Marlo and Keyna randomly teamed up to audition men for that charity gala.
And with little things being said on social media, Marlo's now calling Nene out for being mad about her two shows she spoke so much about getting the axe. And Marlo claims Nene is simply feeling like her light is dimming, and she's not trying to let anyone else's shine.

Here's Marlo's blog, in part, she just wrote:
As I said, when I first started spending time with NeNe, (who initially was not too happy about me being on RHOA, but then “appeared” to take me under her wing), I didn’t let the warnings from Kandi and Phaedra deter me from giving her the benefit of the doubt. I looked up to her as a big sister since she and my oldest sister, (who is 8 years my senior and full of wisdom) are the same age. I really thought she understood where I came from and how I was trying to change my life for the better, just as she had done. We all have a past, but we can choose to leave it behind us. (I guess I should have listened to the ladies, huh? Sorry…)

I’ve been called an opportunist, often! But honestly, who among us does not take advantage of opportunities that improve the quality of our lives and allow us to realize our dreams? Who among us doesn’t use our gifts, brains, beauty and talents to our benefit? Let she/he who lives in the glass house, (of delusions) throw the first stone at me. Unlike some of us, I don’t believe that there are people who “are not on my level!” Last I heard, God created all of us equal.

That “taste” of Hollywood is like fresh, sweet ice cream. The only problem is, eventually it will melt and the “taste” will fade leaving not even a linger of flavor… Perhaps some of us should learn the meaning of humility because just like an elevator, the people you put off, might be the same ones you want to hold the door when you’re trying to get back on… Ijs!
Welp, cheers to that!  We're also hearing from uncofirmed sources that Marlo is being set up to take Nene's spot next year on "Housewives".  And Nene is NOT feeling any of this ish.  Bravo production has supposedly gotten involved, allegedly, and ish just doesn't look good for Team Rich.   Not sure how much we believe, but apparently Nene has allegedly stormed out of taping more than once.

Check out a couple previews from next week where the drama will be breing between Team Rich and Team Marlo:


Baby this is getting HOTT!!!

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