
The Daily Buzz for Jan 13

Tika Sumpter Covers Rolling Out: ‘I Don’t Walk Into A Room Thinking ‘I’m A Black Actress’
Tika Sumpter is covering Rolling Out Magazine’s latest edition, shot by DeWayne Rogers.
Inside, she confirms exactly why we love her. This chick is fly, confident and radiates positivity.

While speaking on the downside of being an actress, which is hearing a million ‘no’s’ before you get a ‘yes’, she revealed:
When you don’t get a specific job and you’ve worked really hard on it; [or] when you read a really good script and you’re so close to getting a part and you don’t get it, it’s always hurtful,” she adds. “But what is for me is for me. My path is my path and it’s no one else’s. That’s how I’ve survived and it’s been in my head forever. You have a lot of disappointments as an actor. It’s a very tough business to get into and to be able to work [without being] a waitress on the side. You think ‘Oh, of course I can do that right now.’ But it’s definitely a wake-up call when you start out.
I don’t walk into a room thinking ‘I’m a black actress, ohmigod.’ I always think ‘I have as much talent as anyone else,’” she explains. “I’ve been black my whole life. I don’t even call myself ‘a black actress.’ White actresses don’t walk around calling themselves ‘white actresses.’ They’re just ‘actresses.’ I go in with the attitude of what is for me is for me and I’m going to make them remember me–even if I don’t get this part.”

She also adds:
I think one of the most important lessons that I’ve learned is to put your head down and work,” she says. “Don’t look at other people and compare yourself. Just do the work. Because when the opportunity is there, you have to be ready. Make sure your craft is refined and you’re constantly working on it. Plow through the weeds. Go to the auditions and go to the meetings and be on time. Stop looking to the left or the right. Keep your head down and keep moving.
Of course, it’s hard not to notice how most of the shows on television that feature black actresses are constantly criticized for their storylines (especially Tyler Perry’s shows), and Tika acknowledges that there is a double standard:
There’s a reason why people love [ABC’s prime-time hit] ‘Scandal’ or ‘The Haves and Have Nots’ or ‘Being Mary Jane’ on BET. It’s because these characters aren’t perfect. If you want to put a perfect person on TV, you will have no show. In life, sometimes you see yourself in these characters and sometimes it’s not pretty.”
Life is messy. People make decisions. Sometimes art imitates life,” adds Sumpter. “And I think, as people of color, we have to understand that we have stories, too, that need to be told. And real or not, that makes a good show and good characters and makes people watch.

Look at ‘Breaking Bad. This is [a show about] a teacher who had a meth ring. And it was one of the biggest shows. It’s a show that people love. But nobody’s going after that.

Some women are not really lifting up other women in these arenas. Which is really sad, because finally we’re getting some kind of voice,” she says of the criticism many black women have of these shows. “Some of the criticism is even louder than ever. But for the most part, I feel that a lot of people are positive about these shows and are happy to see themselves and it’s fun to watch. And it’s not just black people watching the shows—there are other people watching, as well. So I’m grateful for the masses that are positive about it and are entertained.

Philadelphia Eagles Wide Receiver Desean Jackson’s Home Burglarized
Philadelphia Eagles wide receiver Desean Jackson’s home was burglarized sometime between Mon-Fri, according to ABC news in Philly.  Thieves got away with $250,000 in cash and jewelry.

It happened sometime between Monday and Friday at Jackson’s home on the 3200 block of Pietro Way in South Philadelphia.  Police also say the suspects broke into a safe and got away with a firearm.  No word on Jackson’s whereabouts at the time.  Philadelphia police continue to investigate.
Sounds like an Inside Job, I mean how were they able to get into the safe and Mon-Fri?

Oprah & Lupita GET FAB For W Magazine Covers
While the acting world is on the road to the Oscars, folks like Oprah and Lupita are soaking up all of the much deserved attention.  Oscars nods aren't in until January 16th, but for now, The Butler star and the 12 Years A Slave star are putting their fabness on display for the new issue of W magazine.

It's the big MOVIE issue, which focuses on the hottest actors of the season.  And we're loving the vintage fashion feel of the covers.
The highlights:
Oprah decided to dish about her first movie crush. “My first crush at the movies was on Robert Duvall in The Godfather," she said, "He’s really the unsung hero of the film, the stabilizer of the family. He keeps everybody going, and he knows all the secrets, but he has his own sense of honor and dignity. I love that. I loved him."

And speaking of Lady O, she ended up spending part of her Holiday vacay with First Lady Michelle Obama.  The President and the First Daughters had to head back to D.C. early, but Mrs. O hung back at their vacation home, which is surprisingly pretty close to one of Oprah's homes.  And it was all to celebrate her upcoming 50th birthday with friends--including Oprah.

Looks like Maui was poppin' all weekend.  Do you Lady O's....

Ciara Pens Open Letter For Negative Bloggers & Social Media
After being the target of negative comments on blogs and social media outlets, Ciara has penned an open letter revealing her feelings on the matter.
In it, she touches on the impact of cyberbullying - and addresses those creating slander, asking the questions like “What stops you from thinking twice about trying to defame someone? What are you trying to gain?”
CiCi says that often, something as simple as a fun Instagram post, sharing moments with fans is twisted from a positive to a negative.
Read below..
I used to sometimes like visiting some of the blog sites to see what new things are happening in the world! Things like cool photos, current events, etc. But nowadays it seems like there’s a competition with sites on “Who Can Tear Someone Down the Most.” The stories are going from cool and creative to pure drama. Even the comment sections are beginning to get out of control and people are using the platforms to exercise a false sense of power.

People sure do have a lot of courage when they are anonymous. It’s like a “Who Can Say the Nastiest Comment Game.” I click onto some of the comments from something as fun as an Instagram post that you’re sharing with your fans, and a person finds a way to turn a positive post into a negative. I think to myself, “I could pick this person apart so bad but what for? Why act ugly like them?” It honestly takes the fun out of it when people seem so miserable.

Or at least that’s how I view someone wasting their energy to tear someone down, just plain miserable. They could be using that to do something much more productive. If only they could channel their energy towards positivity, it could make a difference in their own life as well as influence others. It’s kind of scary for the kids coming up, because even if a parent doesn’t allow their kids to have blog site access at home, they may still have access at school or other places. It’s now almost impossible to protect your kids from the vile things people say on blog sites today, and it’s even worse when kids hear hurtful things about themselves, their parents or other family members. In some cases kids have even resorted to suicide due to “cyber-bullying.”

My questions to people creating slander about people are: What stops you from thinking twice about trying to defame someone? What are you trying to gain?

Words are powerful. You could say the wrong thing about someone, famous or not, on the wrong day and that could cost them their life because they’re at a weak point. Believe it it or not, you could also be encouraging them to give up on their life or whatever the situation is, when they shouldn’t. Or what about a story that causes unnecessary drama stemming from completely false information? It’s just flat out wrong and sad. I say to myself, I thank God for making me strong, because I’ve always been able to use the negativity as motivation, and it makes me stronger.

But I don’t just think about myself in this, I think about others that I see getting thrashed and think it’s just so wrong. It’s very sad that people just want to tear people down so bad just to see them unhappy. It’s unbelievable how far people are willing to go to get people to come to their site. I say this to say…

She also had a message for bloggers that create negative stories, saying that karma has a way of catching up:

Dear Blogger, It’s never worth it in the end when you sell your soul for a quick dollar, by creating bad stories about people. At some point, it will all reverse on you and you’ll end up regretting all the trash you wrote or said about people. The universal friend “Karma” has demonstrated this over and over again. I strongly encourage you to project more positivity into the universe. If Social Media is a world that’s growing more massive by the day, why not use it to shed light?? Otherwise, you are merely contaminating our universe.

What about your family and kids?? Do you think about them?? You’re definitely creating a harmful and volatile environment where they must learn to live. It’s almost like you are cursing future generations with your bad energy. Not to mention…Your “Personal Karma”??… Forget about it! You better start doing some serious praying and rebuking, cause only The Lord knows!…:)

She closed it out saying that she misses “the good ol days when the focus was about the pure creativity of being an artist. Back then there was still some mystery.” She continued, “Social Media Is Beginning To Take Away The Specialness of What That Was, and Is. Now, Off Blogs. Peaceful Mind. Living In My Happiness. Creativity Only. Love, C.”

Lindsay Lohan’s Reality Show: Coming In March!
She’s one of the most interesting celebrities of her generation, and Lindsay Lohan's OWN reality show is slated to debut in exactly two months.
 “Lindsay” will hit Oprah Winfrey's airwaves on Sunday, March 9th at 10PM and it promises to be quite the wild ride.
Directed by Emmy nominee Amy Rice, the series takes a look at the “Mean Girls” starlet’s “journey through recovery following a very public period of crisis.”
Furthermore, Lohan will "discuss everything from her emotional recovery process to her exhausting run-ins with the paparazzi."

Dwight Howard's Baby Mama Sorry For Wearing "Laker Hater" Hoodie [PHOTOS]
It is not a secret that Dwight Howard's stint with the Los Angeles Lakers wasn't the most enjoyable for either party. Now that the All-Star center is comfortably posting up with the Houston Rockets with a 23-13 record, it was only a matter of time before the bad blood started to simmer in the pressure cooker.
Only it wasn't Superman who cast the first stone. It was his live-in baby mama Christine Vest.
It's also no secret that Dwight Howard has a habit of impregnating his girlfriends, often leaving a trail of messy results.
Nonetheless, Christine was out to prove she was ride or die and took to her Instagram account to post herself in a hoodie which read "Laker Hater" in Houston Rocket colors, complete with Howard's name embroidered on the back.
Naturally, the Laker Nation gave her 140 characters of the honest opinion. From "gold digging whore" to just a straight-up female dog, Ms. Vest saw it all.
The aspiring musician realized her mentions were in shambles and offered up a cop-out stating, "I sincerely apologize to all if the Laker fabs that i've clearly hurt in some way by wearing a fun 'laker hater' hoodie to the game."
Sticks and stones break bones but their words were pretty hurtful (at least from our end). Check the gallery for Christine's "Laker Hoodie" selfie and all the mean-o-things those Laker fans can say when their team isn't cream of the crop.

B.Scott’s Lawsuit Against BET For Allegedly Cross Dressing Gets Ugly
Last summer, we shared some drama that went down behind the scenes at the BET Awards and celebrity blogger B.Scott. Here’s the backstory. BET hired Scott as a style correspondent for the show’s red carpet segment and initially began the night in a tunic, black pants and heels approved by BET management. After the first segment, according to Scott, he was asked to change his hair, clothing and makeup because it was inappropriate. He was replaced by another correspondent and later hit the network with a hefty lawsuit. So what’s the latest? Fast forward to the present day and TMZ has received some interesting BET email exchanges that doesn’t shine a positive light on network. Stephen Hill (BET’s President of Music Programming) allegedly wrote an email before the show stating:
I don’t want ‘looking like a woman B Scott.’  I want tempered B Scott.

BET’s Network Vice President Rhonda Cowan offered to help and allegedly wrote
I can speak to him about being less ‘womanly.’
After Scott went public, sharing his version of what actually happened, it appears the network became concerned. BET producer Stephanie Hodges wrote an email shortly after the broadcast, stating,

He got upset and said he was going to blow this s**t up and call GLAAD.
BET later released a statement formally apologizing

BET Networks embraces global diversity in all its forms and seeks to maintain an inclusive workforce and a culture that values all perspectives and backgrounds. The incident with B. Scott was a singular one with a series of unfortunate miscommunications from both parties. We regret any unintentional offense to B. Scott and anyone within the LGBT community and we seek to continue embracing all gender expressions.
Another alleged damaging email was shared, from BET’s Monique Ware, implying that they were trying to create a ‘spin’ as to why Scott didn’t return after his initial segment.

The spin should be he was late for a live show and subsequently replaced and it would have been awkward in a live show to have the person assuming his role removed and him inserted….Unless we can make public the reason we didn’t want him dressed the way he normally does, I would stay away from suits, suit selections, etc.”

The network also suggests that Scott had been drinking, was unruly, had shown up late, and was wearing garments that were not pre-approved. From what we’re told, Scott is continuing his lawsuit against the network.

Kayo Redd, Waka Flocka Flame’s Younger Brother, Funeral Services
Kayo Redd, Waka Flocka Flame’s younger brother, was laid to rest on Saturday. This was such a sad situation for the city of Atlanta and the Hip Hop Community in addition to the fact that no parent should have to bury not one but two of her children. Kayo’s mom (Deb Antney) asked that no one wear black because “Kayo was full of life and color” and it appears most people obliged.
Kayo’s music was played at the service along with a montage of pictures of his young life. Several hundred friends, family and fans attended the Home Going Services which took place at Andre 3000′s mama church Wings’s of Faith. After the service the crowd went to the city of Riverdale where Aunt Deb shut down several streets as they walked in a procession behind a horse-drawn carriage carrying the body of Kayo.
Kayo was someone who always went above and beyond to take care of his family and friends. The service was very touching and sad that Kayo death was a result of suicide. His death will not be in vain. He life has taught me quite a bit about bullying. Always check on your folks and make sure they are ok and also don’t let time-lapse without telling people you love and care about that you love them!
Kayo’s mom, Debra Antney, a high-powered hip hop manager, led the march which was set to the beat of a small drum corps. This has to be one of the strongest women I know. Debra Antney along side Chef Ashley planned the funeral and all of their Family from NYC can in support. After the young rapper’s body was laid to rest, Debra Antley released white doves into the sky saying, “You’ll always be my baby.” The rest of the crowd followed by releasing white, pink and orange balloons.

Ludacris' Baby's Mother/Jump Off Tamika Fuller "Clears Up" Rumors, Says Luda STILL Hasn't Met His Baby
Tamika Fuller, the woman who Ludacris stepped out on his longtime girlfriend Eudoxie with, is speaking out about the baby girl she recently had with the rapper.  And she's attempting to clear up rumors about her relationship with Luda and her past.

With reports circulating that Tamika has attempted to extort money and a car from Ludacris, is a former stripper and more, she's now speaking out.  It was also believed she is attempting, or will be attempting, to get child support from Luda. 
Luda has already filed papers of his own for preventative measures (he doesn't deny the child), saying what his child support SHOULD be.  And he paints a picture of Tamika being a gold digger.
So Tamika, who is disputing ever being a stripper like rumors state, has some things to say in regards to baby Cai Bella Bridges.  She says:
It saddens me that it has come to this. I did not file on him. Nor would I ever try to attempt to extort my child's fathers.Ive never asked him 2 buy me a car. I had engine trouble. I asked 2 borrow one of his during my pregnancy so that I could continue 2 get 2 work. I have never been a stripper. I did waitress there in my past. I have since moved on from that. Some of the best people I know are dancers.

She has yet to meet her father and it's unfortunate because I would never keep him from seeing her. Let's not lose focus that an innocent child is involved and her best interests come before any of all of this foolishness. In spite of all that has already happened I just ask that the negativity stop towards him and I. We have a child to co parent. Be blessed.

Alrighty then.  Rumors swirled that Tamika attempted to keep the baby from Lida and his girlfriend, but she says otherwise.  And that Ludacris hasn't even met his baby.  Sad.

Wu-Tang Affiliate Shyheim Franklin Accused Of Killing Man In Hit-And-Run
Former Wu-Tang Clan affiliate Shyheim Franklin is being accused with allegedly running a stop sign resulting in the fatal crash that left a Staten Island man dead on New Year's Day.
The incident occurred at 5 a.m. at the intersection of Cassidy Place and Lafayette Avenue in Staten Island, NY as police are naming Franklin as the driver that slammed into the 1996 Toyota Celica to which Felipe Avila, a 29-year-old baker was riding in.
Reports SILive:
Shyheim Franklin, 36, who has rapped under the names Manchild, Little Shyheim and The Rugged Child, surrendered himself to police on Wednesday in connection with the 5:07 a.m. crash, which killed Felipe Avila of Tompkinsville, police sources said.
He's expected to face a charge of leaving the scene of a fatal accident, which is a class D felony, those sources said.
Franklin turned himself in Wednesday January 8. Police are saying in addition to striking Avila's vehicle with his borrowed 2003 Volvo 80, he slammed into a Dodge Ram and fled the scene on foot.
Ironically and tragically, Franklin isn't the only former Wu-Tang member to have a bleak run-in with the law in Staten Island as of late. Jeryl "Killa Sin" Grant was charged with attempted murder in November 2013 for allegedly shooting a man in the chest.
Utilizing the power of social media, "The Rugged Child" posted a brief video onto YouTube asking for donations for his impending lawyer fees stating, "You know I'm in a lot of trouble right now and I need help with my legal defense so I can have a fair shot in court." He directed viewers to his lawyer Leo Duval before thanking everybody for the support.

Bun B To Run For Houston Mayor In 2015?
If Hip-Hop had an official elder statesman, Bernard "Bun B" Freeman would arguably be the top choice without any second guessing. Let's face it: a large chunk of the heroes of rap's 1980s Golden Age never found their stride when new era production and digital files dominated the scene.
Bun, along with the late Chad "Pimp C" Butler burst out of the gate as UGK in 1992 but when his rhyming partner caught an iron timeout with the law, the trillest O.G. took it upon himself not only to carry the torch for the legacy they built together but to also show the younger generation that age only slows you down if you allow it.
With his respect already commanded in full, Off The Kuff decided to explore the possibilities of Bun B running the city for real as a mayoral candidate in 2015. It's not a presumptuous notion, seeing that he was recently the first Hip-Hop talent to conduct the Houston Symphony but how does The Bun feel about it himself?
In an email to OTK, the rapper stated, "Too many skeletons in the closet, lol." Not for nothing, "big pimpin'" goes on in political offices all the time. Bun would fit right in.
The cheeky political website was just suggesting the Port Arthur native run for the mayoral office but J. Cole took things a million steps further in 2010 when he created the loosie record, "Bun B For President." It was a sentiment felt by many and the then-rookie had the gall to come out and say it.
The Trill O.G. still has a cool 365 days to make up his mind on running for office put there is no question who would receive the popular vote should he choose to go forward on the idea.

Solange Rocks Out In Melbourne
Solange Knowles is skipping out on all that horrible weather in Brooklyn and spending some time down under.
Solo kept it fresh faced and braided up as she rocked out live for fans at the Prince Bandroom Tuesday in Melbourne, Australia.
And afterwards, the "Losing You" singer chilled out in the Indian Ocean with a little bit of this:
Must be nice....

Shakira's New Single Features Rihanna
Shakira's new single featuring Rihanna drops next week.
It looks like Shakira’s new single is called ‘Can’t Remember To Forget’.
Also, it looks like it will be out on January 14.
(Oh and it will definitely feature Rihanna.)
The following tweet by your friend and ours Javiroo was retweeted by Rihanna herself, which in 2014 means that it’s all true:
This could be pretty good
also Shakiramedia (who most of the time are reliable with their info) posted this:
Well alright now.

Well that’s a “unique” style you’ve got there…miss? Sir? Well either way, let’s just say regardless of gender you look ridiculous.


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