
Mister Cee CUT YOUR ISH! You're a closeted Gay Trans loving Man!

Hot 97 DJ Mister Cee opens up about transgender prostitution; says “I am not gay”
In a new interview with GQ magazine, The Hot 97 DJ says that his obsession with transgender women is eccentric and kinky. One thing he wants everyone to know is that he is NOT gay.

GQ’s first question was Are you gay?

Cee: I am not gay.

Mister Cee on His Attraction to Transgender Women: “I only get with transgender women for one thing and one thing only, and that’s for oral sex. Like I said: I never had sex with a man. I never had sex with a transgender woman.”

Cee is big time. He played a role in Notorius B.I.G and Jay Z’s career…But over the past year or so, he has had some big issues that overshadowed his career. His arrest for soliciting sex from an undercover male officer had the nation talking. Then a youtube video surfaced of of Cee soliciting the services of a transsexual.

In a recent interview with GQ, Cee describes his interest in transgender hookers as a quirky obsession.

“The best way I can explain it is that I was so knee-deep into doing it that it became a part of me,” he said. “It’s also the rush of: Get horny, A and B — you know, one plus one equals two. You get horny, go out, go get your sh– off. It became a part of my routine. Even though I was fearful, there was a part of me that felt invincible, too.”

“It wasn’t even about losing the job. I was just afraid of what the perception was going to be about me and that people was still going to want to stand behind the Mister Cee brand,” he explained. “How was I going to be able to continue to support and take care of the people that I care about?”

Cee talks about how he felt once he was EXPOSED:
“I would buy two-liter Fanta Orange, two liter Sprite, two-liter root beer — and I live by myself — just guzzling them,” he revealed. “That’s how I was getting through my pain, f—ing going to sleep and drinking soda. And I’m not even a soda drinker. I drunk so much soda to the point where my diabetes — my sugar level went so high, I started getting blind.”

Mister Cee is adamant about one thing, he is not GAY, even though he has been sexually involved with transgender women:
“At this point in my life, I can’t even begin to try to be in a serious relationship with a woman,” he said. “That’s the point that I’m at now: What do I want? Where am I at? Now that it’s out in the open — everybody knows, I know — where am I going from here?”

“If I get arrested right now for that same type of activity, I’m doing 60 days in jail, hands down, done.”
What are your thoughts? Is Mister Cee in denial?

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