
Method Man has words for those who hate The Gay Rapper "Chozen"

Method Man Blasts Critics Of Chozen On Twitter
Is the world ready for Chozen? The cartoon follows the life of a gay rapper fresh from prison and several Hip-Hop fans are not happy with the idea. Method Man, who lent his voice to the project, recently blasted critics on Twitter.

The animated series debut on the FX channel. After commercials promoting the sitcom started airing many took to Twitter to let the Wu-Tang Clan member know that the show was hurting the culture.
Not one to bite his tongue, Method Man responded sharply to the criticism: "So f--k off wit all that it hurts hip-hop bs only thing hurtin hip hop is u self loathing over opinionated wannabe thug ass ni--as..smh."
Meth also made it clear he did the show as a good deed to a friend and not for financial reasons. "FYI:didn't do it for the $(I only get $15-2000 an EP)it was a favor" he  tweeted. The Iron Lung also questioned his critics assuming they are the same people who cheer for Omar from The Wire who was a homosexual stick up thief.

You can view his original tweets below
Do you think the association to the show will undermine his upcoming The Meth Lab mixtape?

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