
Going to The R&B Divas Tour? WELL FORGET IT IT'S CANCELED!

If you were planning to see The R&B Divas Tour? FORGET IT CANCELED!
If you were looking forward to that R&B Divas tour starring Faith Evans, Nicci Gilbert, Kelly Price, Dawn Robinson and KeKe Wyatt...UMMMMMM NOT BOOKED! NOT HAPPENING!

Faith Evans broke the news to her faithful on Friday that she would no longer be part of the three day tour because of logistics.

But it doesn't explain why Ticketmaster lists the event as being postponed but according to Ms Funky Dineva: In his WORDS: Event logistics? Really??? Let’s see, you guys announced the tour over two months ago, live nation is backing the tour, what the hell kind of logistical issues could you possibly be having? The logistical issues are causing you to have to cancel all the shows in all the cities? Chile cheese, the cancellation of this tour is not due to “logistical” issues, it is due to FINANCIAL issues. If I was a betting woman, I would bet all my money on the fact that no one is buying tickets for this mess, and LOGISTICALLY the promoter is going to run further in the red if they move any further with this train wreck. I know this really sucks for Dawn Robinson, I know she was looking forward to that new radiator for Christmas.

Dont bother rescheduling it! We don’t want to see it now, and we ain’t going to want to see it later either!
It’s already semi embarrassing to be on a show with a mixed bag of hasbeens. It’s extremely embarrassing when the most washed up of the bunch try to band together, act all grand, put together a tour, and not enough tickets sell to pay the band and buy Dawn Robinson a radiator. What do the lonely car-less do at Christmas?
I guess Kelly WAS booked. END QUOTE!

This is so damn messy!

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