
Say What? Andre 3000 allegedly said DJ Quick HAS AIDS?

DJ Quik Blames Andre 3000 For Making People Think He Has Aids ?
This was so random, so apprently DJ Quik went on a rant via twitter , blaming Andre 3000 for telling his brother that he was sick and it turned into him having Aids. I guess it has spread across the Midwest. But what I don’t get is , why was his first reaction to take his frustrations and air it out on Twitter? … Quik needs to worry about his daughter’s upcoming murder trial… Instead of worrying about a rumor that someone supposedly started… Check his tweet.
So it’s 3000′s fault that someone else falsely assumed he has a disease? And going on Twitter is doing nothing but fanning the flames. Quik hasn’t been relevant in years, and I doubt these young kids would have known who he was anyway, even if they heard of the rumor. SIDE EYE!

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