
Jennifer Hudson VS Barbara Walters?

Jennifer Hudson VS Barbara Walters?
Jennifer Hudson Stung By Engagement Ring Insult. Insiders say Jennifer Hudson was left upset and embarrassed after Barbara Walters asked if she bought her own engagement ring on national TV...

From The National Enquirer 
JENNIFER HUDSON is furious with BARBARA WALTERS for trashing her fiancĂ© on “The View”! A source says the Oscar-winning singer, 32, left the show in tears after Barbara asked whether her hubby-to-be, 33-year-old David Otunga, paid for Jennifer’s engagement ring.
“Jennifer was really angry with Barbara for asking something so personal and trying to embarrass her and David,” said an insider on the daytime chat fest. “Even though Jennifer earns more than David, he does pretty well, and she doesn’t like it when someone implies he’s mooching off her.”
David, a Harvard-educated litigation attorney and professional wrestler, popped the question in September 2008 with a five-carat diamond and platinum ring.
In early October of this year, the “Dreamgirls” star was on “The View” promoting her latest film, “The Inevitable Defeat of Mister & Pete,” when Barbara stepped on her toes.

The panel had previously discussed whether a woman should buy her own engagement ring, and when Jennifer was later chatting with the ladies, Barbara cattily asked her: “Did (David) pay for the ring?”
Jennifer said “yes” and flashed her sparkler, but she broke down backstage, according to the source.
“Jennifer felt it was an insulting crack,” explained the insider. “She had tears in her eyes as she talked about how tired she is of defending herself and David, and she said Barbara should know better. Jennifer has vowed that she won’t appear on ‘The View’ again until after Barbara retires.”

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