
TEA SIPS: Justin Timberlake’s Aunt is ‘”Crafty” with Them Checks!

TEA SIPS: Justin Timberlake’s Aunt is ‘”Crafty”

Justin Timberlake’s Aunt Arrested for Check Fraud ?Justin Timberlake’s aunt has been arrested for stealing more than $64,000 from his mother and father…. Wow… Family…  She has been charged with 121 counts of forgery, four counts of identity theft and two counts of property theft.   She was due in court on Tuesday.

The arrest was made after police found proof that she was forging her brother Paul’s signature in order to make checks out to herself and then subsequently cashing them. According to law enforcement who told the website, she forged more than 100 checks. In between the years of 2011 to 2013 she is said to have accumulated more than $64,000 from Timberlake’s mother and stepfather. No one knows how she got access to the accounts, but they discovered what was going on when they saw a large sum of money missing.
Family members noticed some discrepancies and then it was sort of easy from that point to sort of see exactly what happened,’ he told the station. Justin’s stepfather, who has been married to his mother since the pop star was five, is also a partner in Justin’s Mirimichi golf course.
How nice it must be to be so rich you don’t notice $64,000 being stolen over 2 years….$32,000 per year, who needs enemies when you have family that will willingly steal from you and smile in your face. That Mug Shot… Jesus be a plastic Surgeon and botox….

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