
This isn't Another Sad Love Song: Is Toni Braxton Homeless??

OMG! Is Toni Braxton Homeless??
Star Magazine reports: A hit TV show doesn’t always mean money in the bank.
Toni Braxton’s financial woes have made headlines over the years, but now Star can reveal the situation is so bad that Toni is bunking with her sister Tamar. “Toni is so broke that she couldn’t even come up with rent money,” says a source.

“Toni has relied heavily on Tamar to take are of her financially – Tamar pretty much saved Toni from being homeless.”
“Toni feels like a loser – she’s definitely at rock bottom,” whispers the insider.
“She’s so desperate for money that she’s hoping to write a tell-all book about her life and get a large advance.”
I’m not sure how true the story is, but it does make you think how the rug can be pulled from under you feet so quickly. One day you got it, and the next day you don’t.

Do you believe the homeless story??

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