


Eric Williams Preaching To Gays Via Twitter Goes On Rant
Eric Williams, formerly of “Basketball Wives,” used his 140 characters to share his views on homosexuality and church. Mostly two of the most hot-button topics ever, Eric didn’t seem influenced by the popular opinion. While polls show that more than half of Americans now support gay marriage, Eric discouraged acceptance of the “lifestyle.”
I think Mr. Williams is trying to ruffle a few feathers. It’s crazy……I guess he must really miss being in The NBA! Stop Trolling for attention DUDE!


  1. Eric.... Sounds like you are hurting.... Did some guy leave your booty wet and not call you?....WHAT GIVES??? You know unless a man/woman has been influenced by a thing, or experienced a thing that leaves them confused there is no need for them to take such offence....

    All you guys that give soooo much energy to SPEWING out hateful things to gay folk should really look at what disturbs you so much about one being gay...
    Perhaps there is a little boy inside of you that wants to be with another boy....LET HIM OUT....!!! you will be alot less anxious!!!

    1. Poor Eric.. Man I really feel bad for you, the black men that think like you and have tried gay sex and loved it, and for the women out there that you influence. You are all missing out on a very good friend, and lover for the ladies. I say this because, I AM one of those sensitive bruthas out there that women really want instead of you, but none of you would know the difference or even believe it if anyone told you! Thanks for bustin up dreams of having a family with your vile ignorance! But, I have met some of the best people you could ever know in the gay community because of that. I have also met and had sex with some bruthas out there talk the same shit you do! Y'all know who you are! You're the same ones that laughed at me for admiring birds, (God's creatures btw), picking flowers for a secret admirer and writing her poems from the heart (don't you wish you could do that?), speaking english correctly and knowing how to dress properly (this brutha has his own career and knows how to talk to people. what's your hustle if not basketball?). If you ask me, you all missed out and it's your ignorance that did it. Think about how you treat others and you might be forgiven if/when I find you in the same closet you all put me in. And as for you ladies that followed, get a mind of your own and decide for yourself what is best for you and you might know what it's like to be loved and not dogged out by these fools. A lot of the good men are with other men because of you too! Then maybe next lifetime we can ALL have a better chance

  2. Its not hate dude its truth. Its sexual defiance and a desire of ones imperfect flesh that is promoted as honest and upright and clean in nature and there is no benefit to it it other than fulfilling ones own selfish pleasure. Man doesn't know why he's here on this earth and to set a path that is clearly against the manuscript is blasphemous. How can you be gay and go to church? Who are you praying to? Wh at he says is correct in how its made aacceptable and the influence that it has on the youth. If we were all meant to be gay, I guess there would have been only two people that ever lived and no more creation. Why aren't animals instinctively gay, because they don't have sexual desire, they have a built in purpose to create and survive. Because other dumb Americans who are lost in life say its ok and the media who has gay CEOs and backers post these fallacies, doesn't make it right, it just makes judgement day that much easier.

  3. Walter didn't call him back.

  4. What I find is selfish, is when a father does not take the time to discover his own son or daughter. You men go out and make all these babies and don't know how to take care of them. All you care about is getting your rocks off and hanging at a corner and drying up your skin with alcohol and weed and looking like a "Lot Lizzard" by the time you're 35y.o. and then wonder why you can't find a job and why you have all this child support to pay! You have beautiful and very talented children that need your guidance and leadership. THEY COULD BECOME ANYTHING! But, what do you do instead? Oh that's right! You treat your kids the same way your father treated you... Well my father tried that too! He taught me about the birds and the bees by telling me a vagina was a "pussy", and a woman is nothing more than a "bitch" and to slap her around if she gets out of control, to take "it" out before you get that "feeling" so you don't have to worry about her getting pregnant and so on... man, even at the age of 9, I knew that couldn't be right! What are you trying to prove with all that? Where is the respect? You're the ones teaching these impressionable young men not to accept themselves at all. I've seen my mother battered and beaten, left alone to care for her family having black eyes and busted lips and being turned away asking for help as long as she was with a man like you. Is this the cycle I had to continue to make myself an unselfish straight black man? Thanks to my mother and the friends that tried to comfort her, I DO know how to treat a woman. Come on brutha think about it? If the man was at home to teach love and acceptance, there would be less gay(DL)men in the world for one, and also the ones that are gay would not act out as long as you didn't act out the way you do about it. It's only communication between the differences and it begins with YOU, the FATHER, the MAN, the STRAIGHT, the RIGHTEOUS, and the UNSELFISH leaders of the human race
