
REPORT: Is T.D. Jakes Being Exposed by a disgruntled Member?


Is T.D. Jakes Being Exposed?
Well, Well, Well….. T.D. Jakes seems to be pretty upset with a certain member who is his right hand man in his congregation. This persons name hasn’t been released, but he is a long time elder of the congregation and Jakes had his elder’s license revoked, because he is releasing a book called “The Sunday Morning Stick Up” What your pastor doesn’t want you to know about tithes!

Once T.D. Jakes found out he was very angry and disturbed that he was  escorted from  the front row of the church with his 2 kids..Of course Jakes didnt do it himself,  but as they were kicking him out the side door he was told that the reason for all of this was because of the  book that coming out!!  Shameful…. Now this Elder has been under Jakes for decades, and he has always been a faithful follower of his. . 

Supposedly he’s worked with many non profit organizations  and traveled the globe evangelizing but considers Jakes his “spiritual father”. The book is not due to be released until March. The sad part is the book has nothing to do with the famous pastor nor does it mention The Potter House, but obviously it struck a cord for him to kick his long time follower and right hand man to the curb! Anyway, let’s be honest where else would he have gotten the information from to write a book about Tithing and what pastors doesn’t want you to know? Everyone is already suspect about where their 10% is going and he is just confirming everything that people probably already knew.  Just sad! What goes in the dark, must come to the light!

Stay Tuned for Further developments!


  1. This pastor is a false prophet he flashes the 666 sign. LISTEN TO HIS CHANTS, altthough people think he speaks in tounges. He will take over BIlly Graham's position for this pastor has sold himself to the Devil for fame. People do not realize that Billy Graham also served Satan. He not only robs the people he robs God Our Father. He was annointed not by God but by the illumanti. it is sad but true. Do not take my word for it research for yourself. HE NEEDS TO REPENT

  2. T d Jakes says that God is a product. GOD IS NOT FOR SELL. please do not be decieved by this false prophet! It's all about fame and money. My God is not a product he is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. OPRAH IS THE DEVIL SHE HAS SOLD HERSELF TO THE DEVIL. Billy Graham was a homosexual. And these people and many more stars and even so called gospel artist have sold their souls to the devil for fame and money. I want you to know that God still loves you. GOD JUST HATES THE SIN. Repent before it is to late. GOD IS ON HIS WAY BACK.

  3. TD Jakes and Paula White Speaks In Satanic Tongues and flashed the 666 sign!

