
The Daily Buzz For Jan 31


NFL Player Ray Lewis Covers Sports Illustrated Magazine
Baltimore Ravens linebacker Ray Lewis graces the cover of this weeks Sports Illustrated with the controversial headline “Does God Care Who Wins The Superbowl”.  I’m sure the title and cover alone is sure to spark controversy from the press, what do you think.

Miley Cyrus Covers March Cosmopolitan
Fierce, Bra-less and in love! Miley Cyrus talks about her music comeback and says she values her romance with husband Liam above all else.
Miley Cyrus “I’m just not a girlie girl”

Cosmo: Do you think they ever really did? When pictures from your personal life would leak, they presented a very different image than Hannah Montana.
Miley: Some of the worst things that have happened in my career, like things getting leaked, have actually been what’s best for me, because people knew when I was on that show that I was really growing up. I never faked anything. I never played the Disney game of smiling and being a princess and then suddenly having a hard time, saying, “That isn’t who I really am.”
Cosmo: You collaborate with many unexpected names on this record. Safe to say you have a new sound?
Miley: I wrote this song with Mary J. Blige, and Tyler the Creator heard it and said, “I am obsessed with this song, and I will guest on it if you promise me that you will keep it on the album.” And he killed it! I really didn’t want to make a hip-hop record, and I’m not trying at all to be a Rihanna or a Nicki [Minaj]….That’s not my vibe. When I was growing up, my older brother would sneak me Nelly CDs, my dad had me listening to Dolly [Parton] and Johnny [Cash], and my mom is a complete metal head. So this record is a weird mixture of all that.

Cosmo: Unlike a lot of musicians, you celebrate your competition.
Miley: Katy Perry’s been my friend for fucking five years, and I’m not ever gonna let our work get between that relationship. If Katy sticks with being Katy, and Ke$ha is Ke$ha, and Rihanna is Rihanna, and I’m me, there’s room for everybody. The problem is when people look at Gaga and say, “Oh, that works; I’m going to be like that.”

Cosmo: What are you listening to?
Miley: Frank Ocean’s record is so good. And I like that he came out and admitted he was gay, because that still affects people’s careers. If you don’t think it does, it fucking does, and he did not care. I think it’s going to make him even bigger.

Cosmo: Let’s talk about Liam. Do you ever have these moments when you’re still struck by how hot he is?
Miley: Yeah, all the time! I’ll literally look at him and be like “You are hot, dear god!” The other day, I turned on the pool heater and it was steaming, and he walked outside and took off his clothes and jumped in the pool. I was like, “I’m gonna faint–the hottest guy of my life is in a steaming pool. This looks like a Playgirl shoot.” So I took a photo and made it the background on my phone. My best friend grabbed my phone and was like, “Who’s that? He is so hot!” That’s my hubby!
Miley Cyrus and Fashion designer Lia Mira at an event recently in Philadelphia

MEETING OF THE DONS: Nas, Mark Zuckerberg & Billionaire Investor Ben Horowitz Have Dinner Together
Oh, to be a fly on THAT billion dollar wall.  Nasty Nas may be making some serious social media moves after pics surfaced from a random yet intriguing dinner last night with Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg & MAJOR investor Ben Horowitz.

39-year-old "The Don" rapper Nas broke bread last night with a couple of the most powerful men in the tech game--28-year-old billionaire CEO Mark Zuckerberg (with his wife Priscilla) and 46-year-old hi-tech entrepreneur/billionaire venture capitalist Ben Horowitz.

And if you're wining and dining with billionaires, we can only assume (at least we HOPE) that at least one person was talking money at that table.
Pics surfaced on Instagram from a private dinner that took place last night with the interesting trio.  Details of their convo have yet to be released, but we do conclude it has something to do with Nas' involvement in Facebook, which Mark owns and Ben has invested in via his filthy rich firm Andreessen Horowitz.
Another random fact we've noticed, Ben has often referenced on his Twitter account his recent investment in the hip hop lyric decoder site Rap Genius.  He posted an article about how the sensemaking of internet information--i.e. rap lyrics (like the Rap Genius site)--is one of his firm's investment focuses.  Interestingly, Ben posted a pic with Nas at a Rap Genius function last July.  So the two are not total strangers.
Also, Ben already has a close relationship with Jay-Z & Steve Stoute.  So he's not a complete stranger to the hip hop world.

Will Nas be investing some dollars of his own into Facebook, Inc?  Is he cutting some type of major money making social media deal with the head honchos?  Or both?
Time will tell, but we're guessing Mr. Jones is gearing up to cash out on a deal either way...Nice.

Rick Ross Allegedly Crashes Into Building, After shots Reportedly Fired @ His Car
A Rolls-Royce crashed into a building on Las Olas Boulevard in Fort Lauderdale early Monday. Police are on the scene of the accident, which also reportedly involved a shooting. Florida TV station, WSVN-Channel 7, is reporting that shots were fired at the Rolls in which a “famous rapper” was riding before the car went into the building. Reportedly, the ‘famous rapper’ is Rick Ross (real name William Leonard Roberts II). So what happened? The Miami Herald reports that
At around 5 a.m., several people in the neighborhood overheard shots fired, said Fort Lauderdale Detective DeAnna Garcia. Witnesses at the nearby Floridian diner said that South Florida rapper Rick Ross was in the car. The morning breakfast crowd at the Floridian ate their eggs near a shot-up window at the restaurant, with the bullet entering a cooler. Witnesses said about 15 shots were fired.
No one was injured in the shooting or crash, Garcia said. Police declined to say who was in the car. The rapper, according to reports, talked to investigators at the diner. Currently, Rick Ross’ camp has not released a statement confirming or denying his involvement. What we do know at this point is that Ricky partied in Atlanta over the weekend, in Atlanta, and Sunday night, partied at LIV night club, alongside his girlfriend (Shateria), French Montana, Diddy and a few other celebs. 

Rihanna Politely Cusses Out Paparazzi When Asked For Free Tickets
Rihanna cusses out Paparazzi politely late Thursday night while leaving Playhouse in Hollywood Check out the hilarious video inside.

Bad Gal Rih Rih
 “F*ck all of y’all! Y’all motherf*ckers better pay.Y’all make enough money off of me, b*tches! Talking about free tickets, free tickets these nuts!”

New York TOWER OF HATE: Bathrooms at World Trade Center are filled offensive slurs.
Welcome to the 1,776-foot tower of hate. Shocking Daily News photos show bathrooms throughout 1 World Trade Center rife with repugnant graffiti appalling scrawls that range from the N-word to sexist slurs and ethnic insults.
 “Whites only,” reads a Jim Crow-era taunt over the urinals in one bathroom of the 104-story building.
Other anonymous offenders target President Obama — who visited the construction site just last June: “Where’s Obama’s birth certificate!!!!”
Racist scrawl at W.T.C. bathroom reads," SAND N----" to insult people from the Middle East.
The soaring symbol of American resilience now bears the markings of lowlifes.
 “It’s filthy, it’s shocking,” said Marie-Anne Sanchez, 37, who was visiting from Paris with her fiancĂ©. “This is a holy place. People died here. I don’t like this. It makes me sad.”
A worker at the site told The News it’s difficult to walk into 1 WTC, commonly known by its previous name, Freedom Tower.
 “We’re all supposed to be there as one, the whole 9/11 thing,” the worker said. “When you walk through the gate, you get a strong sense of pride.

One of the most offensive scrawl insults African-American women.
 “And then this is what you see. It’s so negative. It shouldn’t be on these walls.”
The plywood men’s rooms, spaced every five floors in the $3.8 billion building, bring racism and sexism to new heights — and lows.

Edgar Aguilar’s jaw literally dropped when a News reporter showed him photos of the filthy language.
This is crazy. Totally unacceptable,” said the 20-year-old from Ozone ParkQueens. “It’s disrespectful to the whole memorial. I can’t even believe this. So immature.”
The most vile comments are near the top of the gleaming structure that will have 15,000 window panels when it opens in 2014. There, the breathtaking view is tempered by the vile commentary, the insider told The News.
 “Most of it’s racial,” said the insider. “Most of it — I mean, there’s a lot of stuff with the N-word. But pretty much every race is covered: Spanish people, Irish people, Jewish people, women.”
The N-word, he added, “is written all over the place, to be honest with you. That’s a big deal. It’s there.”
Bathrooms at World Trade Center are filled offensive slurs. This one take insults President Obama.
One screed says that the Irish need to take baths.
The graffiti looms over the 16-acre site in lower Manhattan where more than 2,800 people of all colors and creeds died — victims of an attack directed at the heart of American ideals.

Politicians have never shied away from the symbolism of the building that has been under construction since 2006.
Alison Joyce for New York Daily News/for New York Daily News
 “The new World Trade Center is more than just a skyscraper,” said Gov. Cuomo, hailing the moment when the building surpassed the Empire State Building in height in April of last year. “It is a symbol of the enduring spirit of the city and state of New York, representing our commitment to rebuilding stronger than before.”
But the metaphors become much more unsettling given the craven messages out of public view.
Typically, workers at 1 WTC hail the job as the most significant of their careers.
 “I’ve been on many difficult and challenging projects, but this one transcends anything I could ever think of,” Steve Plate, the director of construction, said in December.

Graffiti at W.T.C. bathroom says, "NONE WHITE ONLY."
But behind the scenes, some workers treat the world’s most high profile work site as if it were a truck stop on Interstate 95.
While some effort is made to paint over the vitriol, neither Tishman Construction nor the Port Authority make it a priority, the insider said. And the racist writers are relentless.

The insider recalled a staircase where somebody wrote “Lame n----- be quiet.”

Racist scrawl at W.T.C. bathroom reads, " THEME: People who annoy you... N----RS."
Once it was painted over, the word “n-----” was quickly written three times in its place.
During his visit last June, Obama signed a steel beam with his own upbeat message: “We remember. We rebuild. We come back stronger!”

But his words were lost on some of the site’s 1,000 workers — especially in the leadup to last year’s presidential election.
On the 22nd floor, where the President and First Lady visited, someone had written, “Obama was here.”
Offensive racist and sexist slurs are scrawled all over World Trade Center bathrooms.
The message was altered to read, “Obama was s---.”

Scribbles in the building about female workers reflect a level of sexism unheard of in most developed nations. Filthy messages suggest they have no business on a construction site — unless they’re providing sexual favors for male colleagues.
 “Woman don’t belong in construction!” one sexist rant read. “Maybe painting, that’s it. Then who’s gonna (perform a sex act on) us?”

Marie-Anne Sanchez, from Paris, was outraged when she learned about the scrawls.
The anti-women remarks include graphic insults. A vulgar four-letter word for the female anatomy was written in orange spray paint on the 35th floor, the insider said.
But the graffiti isn’t limited to personal attacks inside the building that will soon be the tallest in the Western Hemisphere.
One twisted worker asked colleagues to supply their guesses for the age of Penn State pedophile Jerry Sandusky’s youngest victim. Several co-workers offered responses.
 “This is pretty bad stuff,” the insider said. “Some guys write things like ‘Pride’ and ‘God bless America.’ That’s 1% of what’s written. The other 99% is all negative s---.”
The nasty comments are usually scrawled with permanent black markers that are common at the construction site.
According to the insider, the subject of graffiti has been raised several times during weekly meetings with officials at Tishman Construction Corp.
Their response is tepid at best, the insider said.
 “They might come and paint the wall, and a week later it’s covered in graffiti again,” the insider said.

Of All People T.I. & Larry King Talk Gun Control
T.I. sat down with Larry King for “Larry King Now“ and wanted to share his opinion on the new proposed laws President Obama would like to put in place about gun control. 

T.I. shared his thought and views about gun control with King. He sent all his thoughts and prayers out for those who were victims in the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, but he does not believe that banning firearms is the solution.  He believes that taking away guns will leave the citizens vulnerable to those who are willing to break the law.

Check out the full interview :

T.I. doesn’t think guns should be completely banned he does believe their needs to be a better process in purchasing guns. A mental exam should be part of the process and it should be evaluated each year.

Fashion: Nicki Minaj New Lipstick for MAC “Viva Glam Nicki Part 2″
I guess Lavender is the new pink? According to Nicki Minaj who has a new lipstick and gloss by by MAC called “Viva Glam Nicki Part 2“
The duo comes with both the lipstick and gloss, and every cent goes to men, women, and children fighting with AIDS.  Available at  MACCosmetics.com starting FEBRUARY 9th.
What do you think of MAC’s lavender lipstick? Will you try it?

Christina Milian lets it all HANGOUT in her swimsuit on the beach in Miami
Christina Milian has no qualms about showing off her curvaceous body.
The 31-year-old proved she is comfortable in her own skin regardless of her fitness goals as she visited the beach on Saturday.
 Sun seeker: Christian Milian was spotted sunbathing in Miami BeachFlorida on Saturday
The singer was in MiamiFlorida and donned a sexy cut-away bathing suit during the afternoon outing with friends.
Working up an appetite! Christina Milian flashes some serious curves during a beach workout before hitting the streets of Miami in killer heels
But the risky attire meant she was forced to hold on tight to her one-piece each time she moved or turned over to avoid a wardrobe malfunction.
Her chest and stomach were on display in the low cut number which also featured a sexy scoop in the back.
She wore her new braided hair extensions up with and wore dark studded shades in the blazing Miami Beach sun
The Voice social media host also accessorised with larges silver hoop earrings as she laid out and lapped up some rays.
Christina was picture earlier wearing a short fitted dress with denim print for her ocean-side activity, sporting blue Converse trainers and fashioning blue nail polish with one silver digit in silver, keeping with the hottest beauty trend.
The AM to PM singer seems to be feeling confident about her body, sharing a photograph of herself wearing a lace-print number and over-the-knee white socks over boots online on Friday.
The singer is in Miami recording new songs and doing promotional events at some of the city’s nightclubs.

The Celebs get FIYA for The 2013 Trumpet Awards Red Carpet
Atlanta saw a star studded red carpet at The 2013 Trumpet Awards. Celebs like Fantasia, Eva Marcille, Tika Sumpter and more put on their Saturday best to impress the masses.
Photographer Paras Griffin caught celebs making their red carpet appearance at the Trumpet Awards at the Cobb Energy Performing Arts Centre.
And we're pleasantly surprised to see Fantasia looking amazing in this Ralph Lauren stark white knee high slit column gown with a subtle neck cut out.  And she paired it with white Giuseppe jeweled pumps. White is definitely her color as the singer accessorized with silver sparkling jewels on her wrist and on her earrings. 
Great look for her.
And while Fanny showed off her fresh curves, "R&B Divas" star Nicci Gilbert also showed up in a blue longsleeved satin-like gown for the ocassion.
Model and reality starlet Eva Marcille worked the carpet in a slinky black long sleeved gown:
Simple always works for her.
Tika Sumpter looked like a doll in her black gown with a leather bustier.
The rest of the R&B Divas were also in tow:
KeKe Wyatt and her husband Michael hit the carpet with Charlie Wilson.
Syleena Johnson and her husband Kiwane Garris looked nice.
And Monifah kept it colorful in her yellow satin dress and blue heels as she hit the carpet with girlfriend Terez.
Chaka Khan is still looking slim and trim as she matched the carpet in this red lace concoction.
"Big Rich Atlanta" star Sharlinda Parker kept it simple in a chocolate pleated dress.  This wig though....
"The Game" actor Carl Payne hit the carpet on his preppy tip.
Former Xscape member Latocha Scott hit the carpet with her son's father, who is also her manager, Rocky Bivens.
Not sure why Anthony Hamilton felt the need to rock this humungous man bag on the carpet.  But yeah...
AJ Johnson was on the carpet showing off her tight bod. But her face looks rough!
And she posed it up with the host of the evening, The Haunted House star Essence Atkins.  Essence's co-host was Rickey Smiley.
The Browns love a good event don't they?  Tamela and David Mann hit the carpet for the festivities.
Tracy Mourning and hubby Alonzo Mourning hit the carpet.   Tracy looks gorge these days.
Derek Luke and his wife Sophia made their way to the event.  Not loving her look.
V103 host Big Tigger hit the carpet.
"Property Virgins" host and V-103 radio personaility Egypt Sherrod sparkled on the carpet with a champagne gown complete with a mesh one shoulder overlay.
And Political correspondent Dr. Steve Perry made an appearance.
The event, which will air on TVOne on Easter Sunday.

Jermaine Dupri Spotted On Dinner Date With Mystery Chick In LA
Record producer/rapper Jermaine Dupri spotting puffing on a cigar as he left a restaurant with a mystery brunette chick in Los Angeles.
She walked ahead while J.D. followed behind.

‘From Aunt Clara With Love‘’
Nice outfit there Ralphie. I wish you did have an official Red Ryder Carbine-Action Two-Hundred-Shot Range Model Air Rifle so you could shoot my eyes out.


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