
OOOPS: Did this Reporter say the” N” word on T.V?

Did this Reporter say the” N” word on T.V?
Talk about making a BOO BOO?

That’s what one DC based reporter just experienced amidst preparations for the big Obama inaugural for his second term as president.
Yes, it was a fluff piece gone awry for Fox 5 DC reporter Holly Morris, who suffered a verbal slip when she described the city’s Willard Intercontinental Hotel as a “key e-nig … inaugural spot.”

As Mediaite‘s Tommy Christopher reports, Morris’ boo-boo caps off four years of journalists and pundits reciting The Obama Green Room Prayer: “Don’t say ‘Osama!’ Don’t say ‘Osama!’”

Most reporters pretty much got that one down, now this. Oh well, it’ll live on in infamy and on YouTube.

1 comment:

  1. ARE YOU SERIOUS??? WOW!! MY GUT is saying that this was a Freudian Slip, but MY GUT is also saying that she is speaking her true feelings!!! I am one to believe that since there was no fan fare coming from the news camp, they decide not to give it thunder so it can just be a glide over, BUT.... that reporter, Ms. Holly Morris may have some personal issues with Blacks that come from her upbringing!!!

    Now, is the hotel a spot known to be frequented by blacks OR is the fact that we have a black/bi-racial president the root for this slip?? IS THAT WHAT SHE REALLY MEANT???? ONE WILL NEVER KNOW THE TRUE ANSWER, but for THIS TO MAKE YOUR COLUMN.... IT DEFINITELY is newsworthy... and NEEDS TO BE ADDRESSED!!!
