
Dr Cornel West is MAD at Pres Obama for using MLK's Bible!

Cornel West is ‘Upset’ Obama Used MLK Bible at Inauguration
It’s already a done deal, but Cornel West says it shouldn’t have happened.
At last Thursday’s poverty reduction forum, West said that President Barack Obama didn’t deserve to be sworn in for his second term as President of the United States with his hand on the bible of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

The Princeton professor condemned Obama for using King’s “prophetic fire as just a moment in presidential pageantry” and called it a “political calculation.”
“I got upset because you don’t play with Martin Luther King, Jr. and you play with his people, and by his people what I mean is people of good conscience, fundamentally committed to peace, and truth, and justice,” West said.

Watch HERE!

GEESH Cornell wth all you have accomplished. You’re washing it all away with your COONING! 

If you so concerned about POOR BLACKS why you only teach at IVY LEAGUE SCHOOLS and not HBCU's. Then you sit on stage with Newt Gingrinch and call him 'Brother Newt' after what he said about Blacks during the Presidential Primaries? 
Oh Brother Cornel please see a Doctor and SOON!

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Dr. Cornel West.... My brutha YOUR RHETORIC is completely ASSININE and this comparison that you have outlined is just TAWDRY and INCITEFUL!!! You claim you want to stand up and protect the legacy of Dr. MLK, however, what you have outlined, basically are reasons why you believe President Obama SHOULD NOT BE INCLUDED or ACCEPTED at the table of brutha/sistahood that has been the creed of Dr. King's legacy!!

    You are basically saying that "he ain't black enough" to be a recipient of the benefits of the struggle that The Civil Rights Movement has afforded ALL of us who have been beaten, disenfranchised, dehumanized, ostracisized, and demoralized by THE OPPRESSOR!

    Your feelings are your own, BUT I have a HARD TIME believing that YOU BELIEVE this REGURJITATED "DOWN WITH THE WHITE OPPRESSOR" speech you just recanted about Mr. President's use of the Bible Belonging to Dr. MLK.
    Have we become THAT shallow to insinuate that the mere touching of a BOOK has that much POLITICAL PAGENTRY to spark what sounds to be like a COUP!!!!

    Shaking my head in DIGUST!! WOW.. You went THERE???? Okay, I guess....
