
SHOTS FIRED! Wendy Williams says Beyonce Sounds like SHE’S DUMB?

SHOTS FIRED! Wendy Williams says Beyonce Sounds like SHE’ DUMB?
Wendy Williams Disses Beyoncé – Basically Says She Sounds Dumb
'Beyonce can’t talk. She sounds like she has a fifth grade education.'  
We know Wendy Williams is well, Wendy Williams, but is dissing Beyoncé a good career move?

Maybe, maybe not. We’ll find out when Bey’s new album comes out and she’s making the promotional rounds to promote it. If she gives Wendy the cold shoulder we’ll know the answer to our somewhat hypothetical question.
The other day on her show – while talking about Beyoncé’s upcoming self-directed HBO documentary about her life – Wendy, said she was a fan, but seemingly before she finished saying that, she went in on Bey, basically calling her dumb.
“I am a Beyonce fan. I’m gonna watch her upcoming documentary because fortunately one of the TVs in our kitchen has closed captioning so I’ll be able to understand what she says. You know Beyonce can’t talk. She sounds like she has a fifth grade education.”
The studio audience booed in response to Williams and she got a little defensive:
 “Excuse me, I just said I was a fan. But we have to call a spade a spade.”

Oh Wendy, you are a piece of work. Can’t wait to see what happens when Beyoncé’s new CD drops
This isn’t the first time Beyoncé’s communication skills have come under fire. In April, her grasp of grammar was questioned by critics who got hold of the letter she wrote to first lady Michelle Obama.
Now here’s the Tea, Why is Wendy Williams falsely claiming that she’s a fan of Beyonce? If she was actually a real fan of Beyonce she would not have made such remark. Here the deal, Most Of Mainstream America Has No Idea Who Wendy Williams Really Is. They Just Know She Came From Radio To Tv. But If U Are From Up North Here, Nyc, Philly, Jersey U Know That Wendy Was Basically A Female Shock Jock Ala Howard Stern, Whom Is A Sort Of Quasi Mentor To Her. That Being Said, Wendy Has Never Liked Beyonce, Nor Destiny’s Child As a Whole. Google The Time That Destiny’s Child Stop By The Wendy Williams Radio Show (Prior To Beyonce Leaving The Group) And Unbeknownst To Them Wendy Had Set Up A Tape Recorder And Taped Them In The Green Room Talking Shyt About Wendy. U Can Clearly Hear Beyonce Say “I Hate This Func Show And I Dont Want To Do No Func Sound Bed Saying “How You Doing”. As Soon As They Left The Studio Wendy Blasted It Over The Airwaves. So Wendy Knows That Beyonce Would Never Do Her Show Anyway Therefore She Lets Her Feelings Be Known.
Other Piece That Mainstream America Does Not Get.Go Back And Research The “How You Doing” Catch Phrase. Cute As It Might Be, It was set out to A HOMOHOBIC COMMENT! It Culminates From Wendy’s Code Phrase For Someone Being Gay Or Lesbian. It Was Street Code Everywhere Up North. If Someone Was Suspect U Might Say “Oh You Know Dayum Well He/She Is How Youuuu Doing” She was calling you out for being on the DL.

Last Nuggut, Wendy Did The Same Thing To Whoopi. Blasted Her Left And Right On The Radio, Called Her Ugly, Said She Dressed Funny. Fast Forward To Wendy Williams Tv Show. Google Whoopi Coming To Wendys Show And U Will See That Whoopi’s Daughter Is Her Manager And Was Against Her Going On The Show But Whoopi Being Bigger Than That Went, She Threw Wendy A Carrot To Try To Help Wendy Get Her Show Off To A Good Start Show She Lent Her Cache To Wendy And Wendy Cried On That Show Because She Knew How Poorly She Had Treated Whoopi Over The Years.
Bottom line This BEOTCH is UNGRATEFUL and can’t be trusted! She will never get A List Black singers on there simply because SHE CAN’T BE TRUSTED!

1 comment:

  1. Well, didn't she just get her GED after her child was born. Not to say she's dumb or a dummy...just may not be as smart or bright as others her age and caliber.
