
Romney Supporter Wears 'Put The White Back In The White House'!

Romney Supporter Wears 'Put The White Back In The White House' T-Shirt At Ohio Campaign Event!
A supporter of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney was spotted wearing a t-shirt emblazoned with the words "Put the white back in the White House" at a campaign event this week:
The Getty Images photograph was taken on Friday at a Romney/Ryan campaign event in Lancaster, Ohio.
According to Buzzfeed, a Romney spokesperson "commented that the shirt was reprehensible and has no place in this election."
This is not the first time in recent weeks that racism has been directed towards President Barack Obama.
On Tuesday, it was reported that "a spate of symbolic protests against [the president] that have featured empty chairs and racist imagery continued this week in Morgan Hill, Santa Clara County, California, with an arrangement featuring a noose, watermelons and a birther sign."
"Go back to Kenya you idiot," read the sign that was reportedly set up along a remote road in Santa Clara, Calif.
And last month, an Obama supporter in Texas said her Obama/Biden yard sign had been vandalized with the words "N*GGER LOVER -- Obama Sucks D*ck!"
"We have at least 4 African American families living on this street. I’m so offended," said the woman in the wake of the vandalism. "Not just because whoever did this is ignorant and misinformed and trespassed and vandalized my sign, but infinitely more for my neighbors who might have driven by and seen it.”
Well I wonder if Stacy Dash thinks of this? BOTTOM LINE


1 comment:

  1. The picture was taken before the event began, so we don't know if anyone objected to him wearing this or if he was later allowed access into a restricted area.

    The only manufacturer of shirts like this which I could find came from http://www.antipalinshirts.com

    Everyone was wearing coats – it was cold that day. So why is this guy in a T-shirt? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=razX6VN1jLI

    There were cameras everywhere, yet this was the only picture of this guy!

    Anti-right groups exist whose sole purpose is to infiltrate right-wing events and to dress, carry signs, or act in a way that discredit the right:

    If he was a Romney supporter, he would have stayed a long time, and this photographer or other media would have been on hand once campaign organizers arrived and would have taken video, or sequential photos, to show the crowd and/or campaign event staff reacting to this shirt.

    Picture taken before the event began
    No other pictures or videos exist
    Cold day, everyone else in coats and hats
    Man's face is not shown
    Man is not interviewed

    So perhaps you can see why I have doubts as to whether he even is a Romney supporter. But regardless, the fact that he was standing among other supporters, at that moment, waiting for the campaign event to begin, gives no justification to judge anyone except the man in the shirt.
