
Bishop Paul Morton: Don't Blame that HIV Pastor on my Church!


Paul Morton Attempts to Separate Church from HIV Reports 

There are reports that a minister is infecting women in the  Full Gospel Church in Atlanta congregation with HIV. Not only is he passing along a deadly disease but he is reportedly married as well which means he is also committing adultery. Since the story hit the media the pastor of the church has decided to speak out to try and separate himself and the congregation from the incident saying that he is not a minister there, but only the husband of his assistant and is not a member. This is what Straightfromthea reports:
The man he is speaking of is Craig Lamar Davis and while the Bishop attempts to separate himself from the chatter, he actually just made it a bit more interesting.
Morton admits that Craig is the husband of his assistant, but he states it’s not a Full Gospel problem.

Bishop Paul Sylvester Morton, who heads Full Gospel the church, recently issued a bit of clarification on the matter via the social networking site, twitter.
What do you think about the tweets by Bishop Morton. Do you think he is correct in feeling like this is not a church issue? Do you think he helped the situation, or just made himself look bad now?

1 comment:

  1. You know, when someone does "DAMAGE CONTROL" often times when done in haste, it provides a BRIGHTER spotlight on the situation at hand!! I don't really care for Bishop Morton as I have found him to be a bit POMPOUS, and this is only through television interviews and the liking.....I've never met the man NOR have I attended any of his services, BUT to now DISTANCE yourself from what is by far a SCANDAL in that church of MAGNANIMOUS proportions, it leads many to believe that either YOU KNEW something about this and never "handled" the situation OR the very words in which you PREACH and the things you CONDEMN are now up for scrutiny...........

    Bottom line: Where or not this man was a "MEMBER" of your church, HE IS MARRIED to a member and has been "on your "roster" for some time now by default......HOW did he get the title of MINISTER, PREACHER, PASTOR, etc is now up for scrutiny as well because DID YOU ORDAIN HIM or NOT???? How many times did he ACT in a MINISTERIAL CAPACITY in YOUR CHURCH?? ARE THESE WOMEN WHO HAVE CHARGED HIM WITH THIS CRIME MEMBERS OF YOUR CHURCH??? See, THE BISHOP KNOWS SOMETHING....the question is WHAT??? And now, HE is looking to SAVE HIS OWN ASS!!
