

This photo shows the extraordinary moment Janet Jackson is believed to have slapped her niece Paris and called her a 'spoiled little b****' during an attempt to 'ambush' Michael Jackson's three children.
Police were called as the singer, along with brothers Randy and Jermaine, stormed the children's house as the feud between the warring clan erupted into open warfare on Monday.
When Janet allegedly screamed abuse at Paris the 14-year-old responded with a slap of her own, a source told TMZ, telling her aunt: 'This is our house. Not the Jackson family house. Get the f*** out!"
The argument then moved inside with Jermaine and Randy allegedly getting into a physical altercation with Trent Jackson, Joe Jackson's nephew who has sided with his young cousins.
At one point, Trent allegedly had Randy in a headlock; he is also accused of punching Jermaine in the mouth.
No arrests were made, but officials say there is an active battery investigation.
The war of Jackson's will: First his mother 'vanished'. Now his brothers are accused of trying to make off with his children. So who'll win the feud over his $1bn legacy?
How the mysterious 'disappearance' of Katherine Jackson cuts to the heart of family fiercely divided over Michael's millions
As a result of the chaotic scenes, a lawyer acting on behalf of Prince, Paris and Prince Michael II, aka Blanket, has claimed they 'aren't safe' around the Jackson family.
According to RadarOnline, the children's court-appointed attorney, Margaret Lodise, has begun steps to take over their guardianship because their grandmother has been out of town for more than a week.
Executors John Branca and John McClain also addressed the fracas in a letter posted online to fans of the pop superstar, claiming that they are doing everything they can to protect his children.
'We are acutely concerned about the welfare of Mrs. Jackson, and most particularly with Michael's minor children. We are concerned that we do what we can to protect them from undue influences, bullying, greed, and other unfortunate circumstances,' Branca and McClain wrote.
The latest feud between the Jacksons is said to have been stemmed from a dispute over Michael Jackson's $500million will.
Jackson died in June 2009 at age 50 and left his estate to care for his mother and three children. He left nothing to his father or siblings, who have repeatedly tried to intervene in the estate.
Several have expressed doubts about the validity of his will.

What's at stake: 
A recent financial summary showed that Michael Jackson's estate has earned almost $500million in gross profits since his death, and many of his major debts have either been resolved or are no longer delinquent.
Key players:
Katherine Jackson
Beneficiary of Michael's Jackson's estate and legal guardian of his three children. She was reported missing over the weekend but later found to be with her daughter Rebbie and other relatives in Arizona. 
Her lawyer claims a plan has been in place for the last three years to remove Katherine Jackson from her home and her beloved grandchildren. Last reported whereabouts - an Arizona spa. 
Prince Michael, Paris and Blanket 
Michael Jackon's three children are set to inherit his $500m estate when Katherine dies. None of Jackson's eight siblings were named in will. Jacko's kids are seeking contact with grandmother Katherine, who they have not spoken to in nine days. 
Janet, Randy, Rebbie and Jermaine Jackson
Claim that the King of Pop's will was a fake and that the executors of his lucrative estate should step down. Pressuring Katherine Jackson to seek permission from a judge to investigate the will's validity. 
Letter penned by siblings on July 17 claims Katherine was being manipulated by the executors, John Branca and John McClain, her health had been affected, and she suffered a mini-stroke. 
Randy and Jermaine had both previously asked their brother Michael's estate to pay their child support, hinting at financial motives behind plot. The request was denied.
Tito Jackson
He also signed the July 17 letter but has today backed out of plot and says he's renounced any intention to challenge validity of his brother's will.
Marlon Jackson
Not part of plot to challenge brother's will. Claims he has been cut off from contacting Katherine and in an interview with The Insider today he declared: 'I'm going to get to the bottom of this.'
On the fence 
Michael Jackson's father Joe Jackson and remaining siblings La Toya and Jackie Jackson have not made their allegiances clear. 
Tito Junior, son of Michael's brother Tito
He has drafted legal documents applying for temporary guardianship of Michael's three children while the feud is settled
Trent Jackson, Joe Jackson's nephew
He has sided with his young cousins Paris, Blanket and Prince Michael. Involved in alleged physical altercation with Jermaine and Randy at Calabasas compound 

Sandra Ribera, an attorney for Katherine Jackson, has meanwhile confirmed authorities were called to the residence after the matriarch's grandchildren were accosted by relatives who followed them into the gated community.
Ribera wrote in a statement:'After exiting their vehicles, Jackson family members ran up to Michael's children as they yelled and began to aggressively grab at the cellphones in their hands.'
She and sheriff's officials have not identified who was involved in the incident, but video footage appears to show Michael Jackson's siblings Janet, Randy and Jermaine in the driveway of the home.
The video was obtained by Good Morning America and TMZ.
Ribera also claimed 'a plan has been in place for the last three years to remove Katherine Jackson from her home and her beloved grandchildren.'
Her statement came after Katherine Jackson was found to be with daughter Rebbie and other relatives at her home in Arizona, after she was reported missing over the weekend by her nephew, Trent Jackson.
Sheriff's spokesman Steve Whitmore said the missing person's investigation into her whereabouts has been closed, as was an inquiry about possible elder abuse of the 82-year-old.
He said deputies interviewed Mrs Jackson after a family business associate warned authorities that she was possibly being emotionally abused by a family member. Whitmore said the elder Jackson emphatically denied the accusations.
The matriarch has meanwhile not spoken to her grandchildren since leaving the Los Angeles area on July 15, when she set off to attend a concert as part of the Jackson family's Unity Tour.
She never attended the concert, leaving the Jackson children unsupervised and increasingly upset over her 'disappearance'.
Michael's siblings subsequently published a photograph of Katherine Jackson her playing cards with family members at her daughter Rebbie's home, while Jermaine admitted that her access to computers and phones has been blocked for her 'well-being'.

Investigators from Pima County Sheriff's Department visited Rebbie's home on Sunday to perform a welfare check on Katherine, and determined she is 'fine'
A Pima County sheriff’s deputy told X17 Online Katherine Jackson was on vacation, explaining: 'When I got there, Katherine Jackson and her family were at the dinner table and had just finished a game of UNO.

'She seemed like she was having a good time. She was happy, safe and healthy.'
TMZ later reported Katherine was visiting 'a fancy spa' in Tucson where she was taken because the family feels 'the house is utter chaos and Katherine is exhausted.'
Paris has not relented, however, revealling this morning she has yet to have direct contact with her grandmother since the ordeal unravelled.
The teenager tweeted this morning: '9 days and counting... so help me god i will make whoever did this pay.'
RadarOnline claims Janet Jackson was behind the trip, saying the 46-year-old singer was adamant her mother needed bed rest.
The website claims a family member spoke to them, and said: 'Katherine is very well. Janet was behind the whole thing – she felt that Katherine needed medical help and was desperate for her to get some bed rest.
'It was an extreme measure, but Janet felt that by being away from Paris and Prince Michael, Katherine would be able to relax a lot easier. However, it’s important to reiterate that she’s not at a hospital. If she was truly sick she would be in hospital care.'
Police say an abundance of caution has investigators still looking into claims that Mrs Jackson is the subject of financial abuse.
The estate - and Katherine Jackson's guardianship of the children - are supervised by a probate judge.
The judge recently received a financial summary showing that Michael Jackson's estate has earned $475million in gross profits since his death, and many of his major debts have either been resolved or are no longer delinquent.
The singer died with more than $500million in debts.
Janet, Jermaine and Randy Jackson were joined by siblings Tito and Rebbie in a letter leaked last week calling on Branca and McClain to resign and accusing them of manipulating their mother. The letter also claims that Jackson's will is invalid.
In an undated letter, the elder Jackson siblings also said Katherine's health had been affected, and she has suffered a mini-stroke.
Tito Jackson has since removed himself from the plot, and TMZ on Tuesday: 'I completely retract my signature from the July 17th letter sent to the Executors of my brother Michael's estate and repudiate all the claims made against them. I don't want any part of that letter whatsoever.'But his siblings have continued trading public accusations.

Randy Jackson later in the day took aim at Branca and McClain, accusing the executors of criminal misconduct and claimed his brother's 2002 will was a fake.
Speaking to Rev Al Sharpton on MSNBC's PoliticsNation, he said: 'Let me just say this. This is not about money for us. This is about a family that has questions that has lost a family member and we feel the evidence is right there that my brother was not in Los Angeles on the date they swore that he was.
“He was in New York so therefore the will is fake, and they cannot answer the questions and they are trying to turn family members against family members.'
He continued: 'They [Branca and McClain] know that they've been caught, they know that they've falsified a document and they know that there are questions that we want answered.
'This family is united to right a wrong.'
Randy also accused the estate of trying to keep the family's disagreements at the forefront to deflect attention away from questions about the will.
The estate has meanwhile denied the accusations of forging the will and no challenge to the executors has been filed in court.
Katherine had initially obtained permission from a judge to investigate the will's validity, but never pursued the matter.
The estate said it plans to closely monitor the well-being of Katherine Jackson and her grandchildren.

'While we do not have standing to directly intervene, we have monitored the situation and will continue to do so,' wrote Branca, a lawyer, and McClain, a music executive.
'We believe measures are being put in place that will help protect them from what they are having to deal with,' the statement continued.
Meanwhile, the the son of Michael's brother Tito, Tito Junior, has drafted legal documents applying for temporary guardianship of his younger cousins while the family feud is settled.
According to TMZ, the children support the move, believing that 34-year-old father-of-two TJ will act in their best interests.
Yesterday he tweeted to furious Paris: 'I know it's completely unfair for them to do this to you and your brothers. We will keep trying. I love you.'
It appeared Tuesday that the battles would continue for the near future, however, with even Randy Jackson predicting 'this is not going to go away,' a statement which proved to be true following his attempt to clarify reports about his mother's well-being.
Speaking to Sharpton, Randy said: 'My mom is doing great. She's relaxing, having fun with my sister Rebbie and her granddaughter. Her health was ailing and doctors ordered that she get immediate rest, isolate herself from outside world.'
But Randy's brother Marlon had apparently not been clued in by his siblings, and in a tearful television interview that later aired on The Insider, claimed he and other siblings had been cut off from their mother.
He explained: 'We've been told that our mother is safe. She's doing well. But we have not spoken to her. We have not talked to her and I don't know where my mother is.'
He continued, before storming off the set: 'All I know is she is in Arizona, and whatever doctor is saying I can't talk to my mother you call ME!'
The duelling remarks come as Radar reports Katherine Jackson passed a physical and psychological evaluation with 'flying colours' just last month, contradicting Jermaine Jackson's earlier claims his mother was 'following doctor’s orders to rest-up and de-stress, away from phones and computers.'
A source told the website: 'Despite her ageing years, she’s still very fit and certainly able-minded. She is definitely still capable of caring for Paris, Prince and Blanket.'


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