
Romney Advisor: Obama Does'nt understand WHITE FOLKS VALUES!?

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A Mitt Romney Advisor: That Black guy in The W.H Doesn’t understand us WHITE FOLKS!
An adviser to Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has blundered into a charge of racial insensitivity by telling The Daily Telegraph that President Obama does not fully understand the "Anglo-Saxon heritage" of the U.S. and its “shared history” with the UK.
“We are part of an Anglo-Saxon heritage, and he feels that the special relationship is special,” the unnamed adviser told the British newspaper. “The White House didn’t fully appreciate the shared history we have.”
The Telegraph, which met with two of Romney’s foreign policy advisers, said they promised a departure from Obama’s supposed coolness toward Britain.
“Obama is a Left-winger," said one adviser. "He doesn’t value the NATO alliance as much, he’s very comfortable with American decline and the traditional alliances don’t mean as much to him. He wouldn’t like singing [the patriotic British anthem] ‘Land of Hope and Glory.’”
As one example of a step Romney would take to improve U.S.-UK relations, the advisers said the Republican would reinstate a bust of Winston Churchill that was displayed in the Oval Office by George W. Bush but returned to British diplomats by Obama.
“He is naturally more Atlanticist,” an adviser said of Romney.
The Obama campaign pounced on the remarks, with top adviser David Axelrod calling them "stunningly offensive" and Vice President Joe Biden releasing a statement that slammed the Romney campaign for "playing politics with international diplomacy, attempting to create daylight between the United States and the United Kingdom where none exists."
"The comments reported this morning are a disturbing start to a trip designed to demonstrate Governor Romney’s readiness to represent the United States on the world’s stage," Biden added. "Not surprisingly, this is just another feeble attempt by the Romney campaign to score political points at the expense of this critical partnership. This assertion is beneath a presidential campaign.”
A Romney spokeswoman, meanwhile, tried to distance the candidate from the advisers' reported comments. "It's not true. If anyone said that, they weren't reflecting the views of Governor Romney or anyone inside the campaign," Andrea Saul told CBSNews.com.
Romney arrived in the U.K. early Wednesday for the start of a much-hyped international tour designed to boost his thin foreign policy credentials.
“We are wheels down in London,” Romney wrote in a tweet. “Excited to be here to cheer on Team USA.”
Romney is scheduled to remain in the UK for the opening ceremony of the Olympics. He then is expected to meet with leaders in both Israel and Poland before returning to the U.S.
It is considered improper for political rivals to criticize the U.S. president while overseas, so Romney delivered a scathing critique of Obama’s foreign policy just before his departure in a high-profile speech to the Veterans of Foreign Wars convention in Reno, Nev. He accused the White House of allegedly leaking classified information, including intel about the secret strike that killed Osama bin Laden.

DAMN BASTARD, Just keep in mind that Following the death of Joseph Smith, Jr., Mormon leaders beginning with Brigham Young instituted a policy of excluding people of black African descent (regardless of actual skin color) from Priesthood ordination and from participation in temple ceremonies. These practices continued in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) until the 1978 Revelation on Priesthood, which was canonized as Official Declaration—2…..What DAMN REVELATION? The Devil is a LIAR I don’t trust this Man!

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