
Lil’ Scrappy Says Gays Are the Gateway to AIDS?? SERIOUSLY?!?

Lil’ Scrappy Says Gays Are the Gateway to AIDS??

Have you ever met a person that probably shouldn’t be allowed to interview…ever? If not, listen to this phone call starring Lil’ Scrappy.
He recently talked to TMZ during one of their live sessions and made quite a few comments that will surely have the gay community up in arms. During the call he said that
"while he appreciates Frank Ocean’s mursic, he’s more appreciative of the fact that he openly talked about his sexuality to keep AIDS out of the ‘straight’ community"
When asked if he would work with Frank, Scrappy said that he would but with a ‘fine ass bitch’ in the room.
This entire conversation was awkward as hell. It’s hard to believe that there are people out there who believe some of the things Scrappy does, but it becomes more and more evident as the days go by..


Well the LIL' bastard got blasted via the web and now Lil Scrappy wants to clarify that he does not believe men having sex with men is the only way HIV/AIDS can be contracted. Contrary to a report, the "Love and Hip Hop Atlanta" star says there are other "gates."
"I don't have a problem wit gays I just don't do it an I also said scientifically because its proven, we was talkin bout 1 thing not other gates," Lil Scrappy said following backlash from fans and others who read his TMZ story with the headline "closeted gays spread AIDS."

According to Lil Scrappy, people took what he said wrong.
"Ok y'all just took the tmz sh*t wrong cus I was def not sayin that's the only way u can get hiv I mean come on yall just wanna find a reason," Lil Scrappy said via Twitter. "And I respect all y'all comments good or bad that's just ur opinion,thanks for even giving a f**k. Ya feel me."
In the TMZ story, Lil Scrappy was supporting Frank Ocean's recent affirmation of his sexuality.
"I'm glad that he came out so all the real women that love to mess with real men, straight men, we can keep the AIDS situation down, you feel me?," said Lil Scrappy. "[homosexuality] is a doorway to AIDS, scientifically."


Maybe it would have been better if Lil Scrappy said he supported Frank Ocean and left it at that.

1 comment:

  1. He's an idiot and only back peddling to save his career. He said what he said and meant it and he should not get anymore press...Just look at his picture, now tell me where he belongs, NUT
