
Jimmie Walker: Obama’s Black Skin Won't Work This Time!

Jimmie ‘JJ’ Walker: Obama’s Black Skin Ain’t Gonna Work This Time 
Actor Jimmie ‘JJ’ Walker showed up on the Bill O’Reilly show Wednesday with COONERY personified and discussed his sentiments about President Barack Obama, explaining the head honcho isn’t about results. He said Obama is the type of president that makes you feel good, but somehow ignores the fact that the economy is in the toilet, but African Americans should start paying more attention to his actions rather than his words.
Don’t get him wrong, Walker says he like Obama, but he said he’s just “not a good guy for the job we
O’Reilly pointed out that the actor must get a lot of slack from the African American community. But truth be told, Walker believes that Obama’s race just isn’t good enough anymore to win him those votes.
“You just can’t blindly vote for somebody just because they are your – sometimes, even a brother, you have to let him go.”
Encouraging black voters to step outside the box and try a different candidate on for size, Walker urged viewers to focus on policy instead of race. 
And for what it’s worth, Walker also took time to dog out Jay Leno.
Watch if you can stomach it: 

What a Buffoon!........
As for Romney if you though his statement the other day was crazy. Here’s something from his past while he governor of Massachusetts
Gov Romney’s relationship with the Boston NAACP was bad buthis relationship with Robert Bork was good. Like many have been saying…this doofus is extremely tone deaf…read more HERE
Romney Advisor Robert Bork: Civil Rights Act Is ‘Unsurpassed Ugliness,’ But Contraception And Porn Bans Are Fine
By Ian Millhiser on Aug 3, 2011
Opposition To Civil Rights: One year before President Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which banned whites-only lunch counters and other forms of discrimination, Bork criticized the Act as a moral abomination. “The principle of such legislation is that if I find your behavior ugly by my standards, moral or aesthetic, and if you prove stubborn about adopting my view of the situation, I am justified in having the state coerce you into more righteous paths. That is itself a principle of unsurpassed ugliness.”

Believes Government Can Criminalize Sex: In its landmark Lawrence v. Texas decision, the Supreme Court reached the obvious conclusion that it is none of the government’s damn business who anyone is having sex with — overruling a previous decision in Bowers v. Hardwick. Bork, however, wrote that “Bowers v. Hardwick, which upheld the community’s right to prohibit homosexual conduct, may be a sign that the Court is recovering its balance . . . . I am dubious about making homosexual conduct criminal, but I favor even less imposing rules upon the American people that have no basis other than the judge’s morality.

No Constitutional Protection for Women: Bork also claimed that the Constitution does not shield women from gender discrimination. In Bork’s words, “I do think the equal protection clause probably should be kept to things like race and ethnicity.”

YEAH with Nominees like these??????

1 comment:

  1. Who takes this COON seriously??? Too fucking stupid to realize he is merely being used for comic relief.
