
The Daily Roundup for July 4

SADNESS; Rihanna Loses Her Grandmother, Performs At Sweden's Peace & Love Fest
Rihanna has been very open about her Grandmother Clara/Dolly's health to her fans. And Rihanna announced her "GranGranDolly" passed away from cancer. Understandably it hit Rihanna hard, and she barely made it through her Swedish performance Saturday night as she was reportedly completely intoxicated. And unaware fans popped off on Twitter(and walked out) .
Ri spent much of the night and that morning posting pics of her Grandmother and memories. She told her fans after she landed in Sweden (though it's not clear exactly when her grandmother died):
Goodbye #grangranDOLLY get your beauty rest until I see you.
The mother of her ex-boyfriend, Chris Brown, sent her condolences with Ri saying Thank You:
And Chris himself tweeted his condolences saying, "Praying for family and the lost loved one. She was like my grandmother. Love you GRAN GRAN! RIP."
And during her headlining performance at Sweden's Peace & Love festival Rihanna reportedly couldn't keep it together. Her Swedish fans possibly were unaware of her grandmother's passing, and they didn't appreciate her being 45 minutes late (she was supposed to go on at midnight and everyone had to wait). 
And definitely didn't appreciate her being clearly high and intoxicated. Many walked out and flooded Twitter with comments that she shouldn't perform intoxicated, they couldn't understand a thing, and the show was a shamble. She is now en-route to Barbados for the funeral.
It's a sad and hard time for her. So our thoughts and prayers are with her family.

Chris Bosh Turns Allison for sure!
Chris Bosh's baby mama, Allision Mathis, has been waging a negative media campaign against the Miami Heat star, apparently in hopes of shaming him into increasing his child support payments.
Well, the absolute opposite happened...

Allison has been speaking publicly about her difficulties surviving off the $2,700 a month Chris provides to support their daughter and announced to the media that she was applying for Food Stamps
In a letter to Allision's attorney, Chris' attorney reminds Alli about the $250,000 cash settlement she received from Chris in 2010 and questions why she fails to mention the other expenses Chris picks up while she's berating him to the media.
..What is noteworthy is that Mr. Bosh is paying Ms. Mathis the very amount that the Child Advocate, in Texas said that Trinity needs for her support and well being—just under $2,700 monthly. As the Texas Court said, [a]dditionally, [Mr. Bosh] agreed to pay 100% of [Trinity’s] expenses [and supplies] for preschool and for extracurricular and developmental activities. Mr. Bosh also provides Trinity with medical and dental insurance and, although the Court has not ordered him to do so, has established a fund to finance Trinity’s College Education.

In the interviews that you and Ms. Mathis have conducted, you have both conveniently neglected to mention these additional expenses that Mr. Bosh underwrites, all of which, in the aggregate, cost him far more than the $2,700 monthly base child support amount. You also conveniently neglected to mention in your interviews the $250k that Mr. Bosh gave Ms. Mathis in 2010. Stated clearly, you have both been as untruthful to the media as you have been disingenuous.
Allow me to be abundantly clear – If Ms. Mathis believes that she will force Mr. Bosh’s hand by continuing to engage in a media campaign, she is indeed misguided. Instead, with each false statement (and willful omission) Ms. Mathis makes to the media, she makes it less and less likely that Mr. Bosh will, at any time, afford her assistance that he isn’t legally obligated to provide.

Mr. Bosh will not extend his hand while Ms. Mathis clenches her fist. Please understand that Mr. Bosh has a very healthy sense of his responsibility to Trintiy. However just as Allison Mathis has no responsibility whatsoever to take care of Christopher Bosh, Christopher Bosh has no responsibility to take care of Allison Mathis.
Mr. Bosh works tirelessly at his career as an NBA Player in order to provide financial stability for he and his children (including Trinity). We suggest that Ms. Mathis begin to work tirelessly at a career of her choosing in order to assist, in some way, in providing financial stability for Trinity.
Ms. Mathis is not Mr. Bosh’s wife and, unlike Trinity, will not benefit from the fruits of his labor.
You can read the full doc here
where Chris' attorney questions why Allison applied for Food Stamps instead of unemployment, implying she was paid under the table by a relative at her former job and threatens to report her to the state for fraud.

Basketball Wives Tami Roman’s Rap “Cypher” : Daughter Jazz Releases First Mixtape “The Takeover”
BlackCelebKids reports Tami Roman’s 15 year old daughter, Jazz is focused on making sure all her dreams come true after releasing her first mix tape, titled “The Takeover” on her birthday, June 29. Jazz and her older sister Lyric had been seen on VH1′s “Basketball Wives” with their mom, working on their album, not wanting their mom as their manager, and taking dance classes with Royce, but many viewers wondered what happened after that. Apparently, Lyric and Jazz are no longer a group and Jazz is a solo rapper/singer.

Many viewers/sites are impressed with Jazz’s first mix tape and see she’s not a novelty act trying to get fame off of her mother, but that she has true talent.
Here’s video of Basketball Wives Tami Rapping on her first Cypher With Her 3 Daughters Here's The Video:

The artwork to her mix tape is attached and the download link is listed below.
PS: Jazz recently signed a publishing deal with Sesac and is doing numerous interviews and upcoming shows.
limelinx (Download link to Jazz’s “The Takeover”)

Or it can be found on DJ Fletch’s website at: Mixtapetrap.com

Lala Anthony’s Birthday Brunch!
Last Saturday, Lala Anthony celebrated her birthday with a really cute Birthday Brunch at Bagatelle in Los Angeles. Celebrity guests, which included the likes of Eva Marcille, Tamia, Diddy Dirty Money’s Kalenna and Young Money’s Shanell and celebrity chef Travis London enjoyed some good food and music throughout the event as well as specialty cocktails by X-Rated Fusion Liqueur. Lala just can’t get enough of that delicious pink drink!
Attendees also enjoyed a cake decorating contest while enjoying the sounds of Po Johnson, who showed off her DJing skills while playing a few of her new tracks.
Check out a few pics from the event:
Lala’s Bestie Po Johnson (She is so darn cute!!)
LA Confidential’s Eva Marcille was working that blonde short do.
Tamia, pretty in pink.
Shanell came by Looking awful
Lala shined in yellow while wearing a pair of shoes she got for her birthday for the first time. 
 More Pics
She also had a new accessory that she received for her birthday but we will get to that later.

Well I guess there won’t be wedding Bells for Rohan afterall?
Lauryn Hill fans were shocked and a little appalled when Brazilian model Isabeli Fontana announced her engagement to Lauryn's companion of 15 years and father of her children, Rohan Marley, after only one year of dating
Welp, according to reports Isabelli has called off the wedding because her kids don't want to have anything to do with Rohan and Lauryn's kids...
From MSN Entertainment Portugal
Isabeli Fontana decided not to marry Rohan Marley, son of Bobby Marley.
But fans of the couple need not worry, no. They're still in love. The Brazilian model will only postpone the ceremony because she says the two are in an intimate and romantic moment and do not want to interrupt the sound stage.
But there is another fact that might explain the decision of the top. The children of Isabeli, Zion, age 9, and Luke, 6, do not yet know the children of Rohan. Although the model and singer trying to promote the meeting, the heirs of the beautiful are not wanting a lot of contact with the new family. She said the boys just want to stay with friends

Tom Cruise has been having Katie...FOLLOWED!
As her marriage dissolved, Katie Holmes's every move has been tracked by a team of mystery men.
Unknown people in two cars have been seen tailing Ms Holmes, prompting speculation they are members of the controversial Scientology doctrine.
And it has been claimed this tracking has been going on for weeks - even before Friday's shock announcement the pair will divorce.
According to TMZ, 'there have been several 'mysterious' men and vehicles around Katie's New York apartment and following her when she's out.
'Specifically ... a white Cadillac Escalade and black Mercedes SUV have been seen near Katie's NYC apartment for the past week.'

Well has been claimed life behind closed doors for Katie was far from the romantic love story her Hollywood husband Tom Cruise painted it to be.
Are they watching Katie? A white SUV has been spotted parked near a building where the actress has visited several times this week
Today it was being suggested the pair had been living in separate sections of their sprawling LA apartment, with Katie opting to live in a large communal area in the Scientology Celebrity Centre - rather than face her increasingly controlling husband.
After Katie announced her plans to divorce her husband of five years, their lives have been blown open with a picture of a controlling, often manipulative Cruise emerging - taking charge of his wife's movie roles, appearance and even changing her name.
The Sunday Mirror reports the Top Gun star told his wife she must be called 'Kate' instead of 'Katie' and carefully picked her film roles - making sure the starlet didn't opt for something he didn't agree with.
Also their building, in the huge towering Scientology complex in LA was carefully guarded with sources revealing 'men in suits' stood guarding every door and even 'escorting' people to their own rooms.
'Katie was really embarrassed about it and didn't seem to like people to see the way she lived behind closed doors. Everyone knew they stayed in separate sections of the apartment,' a family friend said.
Cracks began to emerge after former Dawson's Creek star Katie started to fear for her daughter Suri, six, when she realised Tom's devotion to Scientology could not be wavered.
And Katie, who filed for divorce in New York - where it is thought she stands a better chance of getting custody of Suri, was thought to have 'finally snapped' after seeing a shot of her husband posing provocatively on the cover of W magazine with two women draped over him.
But it was his unwavering commitment to following the Scientology doctrine which sowed the seed of discontent according to family and friends.
The show must go on: Tom Cruise took off from Reykjavik airport, following news Katie Holmes has filed for divorce
Under the doctrine a child can make his or her own decisions and Tom treated his daughter 'like a little adult'.
A family friend said: 'Tom basically treats Suri as a little adult, however Katie treats her like a six-year-old child, and that causes major clashes.'
'The couple were arguing over Suri.' The source added to RadarOnline.com: 'Katie did not want Tom making all the decisions in Suri's life, and that's what was going on. She decided it was high time she started deciding on what was best for her daughter, or at least having an equal say, and she knew that would be impossible if she remained Mrs. Tom Cruise.'
A bitter custody battle is set to break out between Tom and Katie over their young daughter, Suri (pictured in New York last week).
The actress is seeking sole legal custody and primary residential custody of the six-year-old, and a 'suitable amount of child support'.
She even filed for divorce in New York - rather than California - because the East Coast state doesn't like giving feuding parents joint power to make decisions for their children, according to TMZ.
But sources say the actor may mount a fight to bring the case to California, which favors joint legal custody. 

They have suggested that Tom's absence - he has been on a promotional tour and filming he's new movie - was started to take a toll on his young daughter's behaviour.
Holmes's lawyer Jonathan Wolfe made it clear what his client's priority is in a statement to People magazine: 'Katie's primary concern remains, as it always has been, her daughter's best interest.'
But Katie's Catholic parents Kathleen and Martin Holmes are happy to have their daughter back, too.
A source told RadarOnline.com: 'It's been tough for them over the past five years to watch Katie be controlled by Tom and they really felt that they had lost their daughter to some extent.'
'So, that's the one bright side to the divorce — they feel like they're getting the old Katie back again.'
But it does appear that Tom really was blindsided by his wife of five years, as he gushed about her at a ceremony to accept his Friars Club Foundation Award just two weeks ago.
Tom who took his children Suri and Connor, 17, as dates to the event, said after he picked up his award: 'My wife who couldn't be here tonight, I have to thank, she made this suit for me. She's amazing. I'm very lucky to be married to her.
He then added, according to Usmagazine: 'She's in China working.'
She has asked for legal custody, primary residential custody and a 'suitable amount' of child support from her husband, TMZ reports.
Miss Holmes is also asking for a division of property in the divorce documents, although there is a significant pre-nuptial agreement that is based on California law.
The couple are worth around $275million - much of that owing to Tom's box office success.
The terms of the pre-nup are understood to be clear - for each year the couple stay married, the Dawson's Creek actress collects $3million - to a maximum of $33 million after 11 years - as well as their palatial home in California.
If their marriage had lasted more than 11 years, Holmes would have received half of Cruise’s reportedly $250million fortune.
After filing for divorce less than six years later, according to the agreement, Katie should only be entitled to $15million as well as the couple's $35million Beverly Hills Mansion
But with an estate worth upwards of $275million, Katie is expected to seek much more and there is already intense speculation as to how much she will collect when the papers are signed.
Cruise is believed to have 'not seen' the divorce coming.
But sources insist that she did tell her husband of five-and-a-half years that she was filing for divorce – but she didn’t give him a chance to control the spread of the news, as he did with Nicole Kidman.
The fact that she issued a solo statement speaks of some heat around the final extinguishing of the marriage.

However, Mr Cruise's shock is to be believed considering the fact that the pair were spotted together in Iceland around two weeks ago, holding hands.
Nevertheless, Miss Holmes failed to turn up to at any of the worldwide premieres of her husband’s latest film Rock of Ages, despite Cruise’s constant protestations of love for his wife.
The final arguments seem to have been over where Cruise was going to spend his 50th birthday on Tuesday. He told her that he was planning to be on the set of his latest film Oblivion, in Iceland, and that seems to have been the last straw.
The statuesque brunette had frequently been pictured looking drawn and exhausted during her marriage. One Hollywood source said she had been ‘utterly miserable with Tom for months, if not years’.

Birdman & Slim Cover Billboard Magazine Lastest Issue
Young Money CEOs Birdman and Slim are running things over at Cash Money. Now, they are running the newest Billboard Magazine cover.
Check out the excerpt from the article:
It’s been 21 years since the Williams brothers first founded Cash Money Records, and 14 years since they signed their initial pressing and distribution deal with Universal. Widely reported to be valued at $30 million with $3 million in advance, the P&D deal, finalized in May 1998, gave the label 85% of its royalties, 50% of its publishing and ownership of all masters. In the rap community, the stakes and the terms were regarded as unprecedented.

“I refused to let them take anything from us-that’s how we got my deal,” says Birdman, who credits Rap-A-Lot CEO James Smith for bringing the label to Universal. (Before the deal, Cash Money had been relying on independent regional distributors like Houston’s Southwest Wholesale.) “I wasn’t one of those people coming to Universal trying to live off their money. We wasn’t really tripping on being with a major. I was making a million dollars a month, shipping 100,000 each album-that’s at $10 [each]. And I dropped three or four of them a month.”
Read more HERE

Think Like a Man Gets a Sequel
Think like a Man, the film based on Steve Harvey's best selling book, Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man, has been green lit for a sequel...
Screen Gems announced that a sequel to Think Like a Man was in the planning stages with the original writers in place.
Not surprising considering Think Like a Man raked nearly $100 million at the box office.

Kim & Kanye's Movie Date With Kourtney, Scott & Mason
Kim Kardashian and Kanye West were spotted hitting up a movie theater in Los Angeles, CA
The hot celeb couple walked with their arms linked as they donned monochromatic outfits while meeting up with Kourtney Kardashian, Scott Disick and their too cute tot, Mason.
In related news, the 31-year-old reality queen recently opened up about her body insecurities to U.K.'s "ITV Lorraine Show" saying that she "thinks" she’s comfortable with her appearance then later adding, “Well, no, I'm such a perfectionist. I don't think I'm ever really comfortable."
She admitted that one of her biggest insecurities are her thighs adding, "I still have some cellulite," and that Spanx are "the greatest invention."

Evelyn Lozada Leaving Basketball Wives : Having Twins Boys With Chad
Reality stars Evelyn Lozada and Chad Ocho Cinco have plans to get married next month and even snagged their own wedding special. The wedding spin-off focuses on the couple’s wedding planning, and pre-nuptials, but it hasn’t been decided whether the show will focus on their married life after the nuptials. Sources repot that Evelyn still doesn’t know whether or not she’ll be returning to Basketball Wives…
There were already unconfirmed reports that three ladies from the show were not being asked back and in a recent interview Evelyn hints that she may be one of them.

Evelyn tells Atlanta’s V103 last week,
“You know, I honestly don’t know because we don’t know what the cast is going to look like. Negotiations start in August or September, I think.”
Sounds like someone is waiting for a bigger paycheck to me. Sources say rather than filming the show that has a boycott against it because of her violent actions, Evelyn is considering staying out of the spotlight to fulfill her new role as a domestic wife and mother.
The couple has plans of having twin boys together, but now Evelyn will become the step-mother for Chad’s two children from a previous relationship, so she is getting ready to change her ways.
“I was with my step-babies and they’re young—8 and 7—Chad’s kids, and I’m in the car with them Easter Sunday, I’ll never forget this, and they are literally reciting to me everything that happened on the episode with the bottle throwing,”
she explains. It was embarrassing for her, and she immediately wanted to change her ways. She wants to be a mother and a wife, so being on a show with women that make her lash out isn’t the best for her.
S2S reports Evelyn is also working on business ventures, including E by Evelyn cosmetics, a new clothing line and her novel.
“I did it very tastefully. Names are changed. I made sure to keep things very private,” said Evelyn, who still considers the book “very open.”
“You can get a glimpse of how I lived, how my life was and why I do react to certain things and why I’m so protective of my girlfriends,” she said.
Evelyn’s book, The Wives Association, and her makeup line are available now. Her clothes are coming soon.
“We’re in the early stages on that, but I will say that it is going to be a line of maxi dresses, and they’re going to be very affordable. It’s going to be around Spring 2013,” she said.

R. Kelly LEFT A Lot Out of his Auto Biography!
Back in 2009 R Kelly promised to write a memoir exposing the good, the bad and the ugly parts of his life
Welp, he left out the bad and the ugly...
According to insiders R. Kelly's new book, 'Soulacoaster: The Diary of Me', leaves out any mention of Aaliayah and their short lived marriage, the accusations about his penchant for younger girls and his trial for child pornography.
R. Kelly recently canceled his book tour because of a medical emergency.

Tamar Braxton Reveals How She Fell In Love With Husband Vincent Herbert And Desire For Babies!
Tamar Braxton love herself some Vince Herbert!….I GUESS!…LOL!
She’s the newest face on the cover of Pynk Magazine and inside she’s dishing on her marriage to Vince (manager to Lady Gaga), including when she realized that he was the one. According to Tamar, who’s filming a spin off show with her hubby, she wasn’t checking for Vince until she found out he was dating someone else. She also reveals that his health scare last year made her realized that she wants to have his babies.
On when she realized that Vince was the man for her
I wasn’t checking for Vince at first. He and I were friends. But it wasn’t until I found out that he was seeing someone that it hit me. I realized I had feelings for him! When he told me that his relationship at the time was coming to an end, I knew it was my time to make my feelings known. After that relationship ended.. he and I started dating and eventually married.
On when she realized it was time to start a family
I realized I wanted to have a child when Vince was sick in the hospital. I love him SO much and it was such a hard time for me. He is my rock. I was extremely nervous the entire time and I thought if I lost him tomorrow all I would have are photos. And I realized that I wanted more than that. A child would be a living reminder of our love.

On her friendship with Mary J Blige
My sisters are my best friends for the most part but I’m also very close to Mary J Blige. When Vince was in the hosptial she was so supportive. Mary and [her husband] Kendu are the best. They made sure to check in on me and prayed with me for Vince’s recovery. Mary is such a genuine and kind hearted person I’m blessed to be able to call her a real friend… Not an “industry friend”.
You can read the rest of the interview when PYNK Hits news stands THIS WEEK!


I see we have 2 Merica hairdo's in one day...LOL!


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