
Some White Dems who refuse to support a Black President!

White ConservaDems nerve not to support a Black President!

My Girl The Christian Progressive Liberal over at Jack and Jill Politics put me on to something I had been thinking about lately in this season of political campaigning.

I’ve been reading a lot about some Democratic elected officials not attending the DNC Convention in Charlotte this year.
Yet, they expect to be supported in their own re-elections. As Democ-RATS.
Some are begging off, saying they have to worry about campaigning in their own districts. (Cough, Claire McCaskill, Cough). I’m sorry, but you’re sending the wrong damned message, to the POTUS as well as your Democratic colleagues by your absence from the convention, the formation of the campaign platform going into November, as well as probably shooting your own campaigns in the foot.

Here’s a few more “Democrats” that should be given the side eye:
McCaskill joins a growing list of Democratic senators and representatives who face tough re-elections who have said they will not attend the convention in Charlotte. West Virginia’s Democratic Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin, along with the state’s Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin and Rep. Nick Rahall, said earlier this month they will not attend the convention. Two Democratic New York representatives – Rep. Kathy Hochul and Rep. Bill Owens – also said they would not attend. Pennsylvania Rep. Mark Critz also said he would skip September’s event.

On Tuesday, Montana Democratic Sen. Jon Tester and Utah Rep. Jim Matheson both confirmed they would not attend the Democratic convention. Tester’s campaign spokesman said the senator would be working in Montana during the convention and has proposed a debate during that week. He refused further comment on why the Tester won’t be going to Charlotte.
They all have something in common and it stinks.
They’re all “ConservaDems” or “Blue Dog” Democrats – these are individuals that could not get elected in their districts UNLESS they ran as Democrats.
They should be given the side-eye because at some point or another, they give in to their baser instincts, which are those usually reserved for their ReThug colleagues in both Houses of Congress.
I don’t care what excuse they make for not going – and the excuses they’re giving are pretty lame. Your campaigns are not going to get any more easier whether you miss the convention or not – and especially if your district is about to kick you out of office because you haven’t been representing their interests.

Granted, McCaskill’s in a tight race, but so is Tim Kaine, who’s running against George “Macaca” Allen, who lost that Senate seat in Virginia six years ago when he coined that “Macaca” phrase and directed it at an Indian student who also just happened to be an American-born Citizen. That shyt tanked Allen’s campaign – and Virginians are thinking about giving him his seat back, because Jim Webb is retiring.
But, to my knowledge, I haven’t heard anything about Kaine skipping the convention and his race is as tight as McCaskill’s, if not more. So, there really is no excuse about these Democrats skipping the convention, and if they do, they have no room to complain if the campaign platform of the POTUS does not include their issues or concerns, because, just like VOTING, you cannot complain about the representation, if you didn’t participate in the process. 
You also know about them holder Eric Holder in contempt of Congress. Well meet the 17 Demo-Rats who voted to hold him in contempt! 17 Democrats voted yes — with most Republicans — to hold Holder in criminal contempt.
A * denotes a previous NRA endorsement:
Jason Altmire (D-Pa.) *
John Barrow (D-Ga.)*
Dan Boren (D-Okla.) *
Leonard Boswell (D-Iowa) *
Ben Chandler (D-Ky.) *
Mark Critz (D-Pa.) *
Joe Donnelly (D-Ind.) *
Kathleen Hochul (D-N.Y.)
Ron Kind (D-Wis.) *
Larry Kissell (D-N.C.) *
Jim Matheson (D-Utah) *
Mike McIntyre (D-N.C.) *
William Owens (D-N.Y.) *
Collin Peterson (D-Minn.) *
Nick Rahall (D-W. Va.) *
Mike Ross (D-Ark.) *
Timothy Walz (D-Minn.)*


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