
The Daily Roundup for June 18

Pictures of Matthew and Camila McConaughey after their intimate wedding

They are renowned for avoiding the traditional in favour of the more unique.But when it came to outfits for their wedding, Matthew and Camila McConaughey went for a simple approach, as the first picture from the pair's intimate wedding on the cover of America's People magazine has revealed.
While Matthew, 42, looked smart in a black tuxedo, Camila, 29, is seen wearing a long-sleeve white lace dress, complete with a beaded headdress, drop silver earrings and matching veil.The pair are seen gazing lovingly into each others' eyes in the touching picture.
Talking about the pair's decision to wed, Matthew tells People: 'We decided to embrace the ritual of marriage as an opportunity and adventure we'll take together.'
The couple were watched by around 120 guests, including famous faces such as Reese Witherspoon and Matthew's close friend Woody Harrelson, as they tied the knot at their home in Austin, Texas on June 9th.

But the most special guests of all were undoubtedly the pair's two children Levi, 3, and two-year-old Vida, who took pride of place as ring bearer and flower girl respectively for the wedding.Camila added of her children's roles in the ceremony: 'Somehow they both seem to understand what we are doing on a spiritual level.'The pair are said to have shared whispered vows, uttering them into each other's ears, according to Us Weekly.
A source told the publication: 'No one knew what they said. Whatever they said was very emotional. [Camila] was tearing up.'
The couple - who had been together six years before getting engaged last Christmas - decided against a traditional first dance and a cake - instead of opting for a selection of desserts.
They shared a long passionate kiss, before dancing the night away into the early hours, the report continues.
Camila has taken Matthew's surname and has officially become Camila McConaughey, the actor's representation told People.com.The publication also reports that the couple kept the nuptials a secret from some guests up until the very last minute.A sea of tents set out in the grounds of the property provided accommodation for their guests.
The luxury temporary abodes, numbered 1-47, were in four rows in the garden and were said to be kitted out with beds, cosy white fur rugs on the floor, and outdoor seating with doormats at the front.
Shortly after the wedding, Matthew was spotted leaving a gym in Austin - distracting from his sweat-soaked workout gear with his new gold wedding band.

Rodney King…Symbol of The 1991 L.A Riots DEAD @ 47
His beating stunned the nation, left Los Angeles smoldering and helped reshape race relations and police tactics. And in a quavering voice on national television, Rodney King pleaded for peace while the city burned.
But peace never quite came for King — not after the fires died down, after two of the officers who broke his skull multiple times were punished, after Los Angeles and its flawed police department moved forward. His life, which ended Sunday at age 47 after he was pulled from the bottom of his swimming pool, was a continual struggle even as the city he helped change moved on.
The images — preserved on an infamous grainy video — of the black driver curled up on the ground while four white officers clubbed him more than 50 times with batons — became a national symbol of police brutality in 1991. More than a year later, when the officers' acquittals touched off one of the most destructive race riots in history, his scarred face and softspoken question — "Can we all get along?" — spurred the nation to confront its difficult racial history.
But while Los Angeles race relations and the city's police department made strides forward, King kept coming before police and courts, struggling with alcohol addiction and arrests, periodically re-appearing publicly for a stint on "Celebrity Rehab" or a celebrity boxing match. He spent the last months of his life promoting a memoir he titled "The Riot Within: From Rebellion to Redemption."
King was declared dead at a hospital after his fiancée called 911 at 5:25 a.m. to say she found him submerged in the pool at his home in Rialto, about an hour's drive from Los Angeles. Officers found King in the deep end of the pool, pulled him out and tried unsuccessfully to revive him with CPR.
An autopsy was expected to determine the cause of death within two days; police found no alcohol or drug paraphernalia near the pool and said foul play wasn't suspected. King's next-door neighbor, Sandra Gardea, said that around 3 a.m., she heard music and someone "really crying, like really deep emotions. ... Like tired or sad, you know?"
"I then heard someone say, 'OK, Please stop. Go inside the house.' ... We heard quiet for a few minutes Then after that we heard a splash in the back."
King's death was a grim ending to a saga that began 21 years earlier when he fled from police after he was stopped for speeding. The 25-year-old, on parole from a robbery conviction had been drinking, which he later said led him to try to evade police. He was finally stopped by four Los Angeles police officers who struck him more than 50 times with their batons, kicked him and shot him with stun guns. He was left with 11 skull fractures, a broken eye socket and facial nerve damage.
A man who had quietly stepped outside his home to observe the commotion videotaped most of it and turned a copy over to a TV station. It was played over and over for the following year, inflaming racial tensions across the country.
It seemed that the videotape would be the key evidence to a guilty verdict against the officers, whose felony assault trial was moved to the predominantly white suburb of Simi Valley, Calif. Instead, on April 29, 1992, a jury with no black members acquitted three of the officers on state charges in the beating; a mistrial was declared for a fourth.
Violence erupted immediately, starting in Los Angeles. They lasted for three days, killing 55 people, injuring more than 2,000 and setting swaths of Los Angeles aflame, causing $1 billion in damage. Police, seemingly caught off-guard, were quickly outnumbered by rioters and retreated. As the uprising spread to the city's Koreatown area, shop owners armed themselves and engaged in running gun battles with looters.
King — who said in his memoir that FBI agents had urged him to keep a low profile if the officers were acquitted, expecting violence — appeared at a news conference on the third day, asking for an end to the uprising. "Can we all get along?" he asked — a question the city and nation have struggled to answer ever since.
Although the four officers who beat King — Stacey Koon, Theodore Briseno, Timothy Wind and Laurence Powell — were acquitted of state charges, Koon and Powell were convicted of federal civil rights charges and were sentenced to more than two years in prison. King received a $3.8 million civil judgment; one of the jurors in the case, Cynthia Kelley, is his fiancée.
But he quickly lost the money as he invested in a record label and other failed ventures. He was arrested multiple times for drunken driving — including last summer in Riverside, Calif.
Despite his troubles, King remained upbeat as he confronted the 20 year anniversary of the LA riots and considered his legacy.
"America's been good to me after I paid the price and stayed alive through it all," he told The Associated Press in an interview earlier this year. "This part of my life is the easy part now."
He had three daughters and was engaged to Kelley.
He returned to the spotlight earlier this year as historians and news outlets explored the impact of the riots on its 20th anniversary, including the reforms made by the Los Angeles Police Department.
"Through all that he had gone through with his beating and his personal demons he was never one to not call for reconciliation and for people to overcome and forgive," Rev. Al Sharpton said Sunday. "History will record that it was Rodney King's beating and his actions that made America deal with the excessive misconduct of law enforcement."
Attorney Harland Braun, who represented one of the police officers, Briseno, in his federal trial, said King's case never would have gained the prominence it did without the videotape of his beating.
"If there hadn't been a video there would have never been a case," Braun said. "In those days, you might have claimed excessive force but there would have been no way to prove it."
The video also sparked an examination of Los Angeles police tactics under then-Police Chief Daryl Gates.
"The Rodney King beating stands as a landmark in the recent history of law enforcement, comparable to the Scottsboro case in 1931 and the Serpico case in 1967," said a July 1991 report produced by an independent commission led by Warren Christopher, who later became Secretary of State.
The report determined that despite many good officers, there were "a significant number of officers in the LAPD who repetitively use excessive force against the public."
Despite that scrutiny, the department continued to face scandals and critics of its practices until the U.S. government intervened. The department operated under a decade-long consent decree with the U.S. Justice Department' civil rights division to implement reforms on how it uses force and handles complaints; the department also gained more civilian oversight. The decree wasn't formally lifted until 2009.
The Rev. Jesse Jackson, who knew King for years, said he was more of a victim than a hero, and that his death reminded the nation of how far it still needs to go.
Gardea described King as a quiet neighbor until Sunday morning. Cory Hudson, King's cousin who lives nearby, said King enjoyed swimming and was known to get into the pool at night.
"It's just sad. I feel bad for all the family members," Hudson said. "It's been rough. And he was just getting his life really together."
Braun, the attorney saw King as "a sad figure swept up into something bigger than he was.
"He wasn't a hero or a villain.".....

Raven Symone Hits Up Gay Pride Event In NYC
Oh hello there Raven. The cutie was spotted having some fun at an NYC LGBT Gay Pride event as the cast of Sister Act on Broadway performed. And the host was the Broadway production's Producer, Whoopi Goldberg.
Raven Symone looked to be having some fun--despite the recent hoopla about her own sexual orientation--at NYC's LGBT event last night. The event was to honor several of the city's prominent figures in gay rights. And Raven took the mic in two cute looks for the occasion:
She's looking great these days. Do you Raven...

Bobby Brown's Sister Ready to Leak Information
In the days following Whitney Houston's death Bobby Brown's sister Leolah Brown swore she had information that would blow the Whitney Houston investigation wide open
Well Leolah is still claiming to have that info but now she wants to get paid for it...
From Diary of a Hollywood Street King
Here’s what Leolah Brown exclusively revealed to HSK:
“Jacky, I have some information that will blow the roof off, but I need to get paid.
If Pat and them can get paid from Star and Enquirer magazines, so should I. I can prove Whitney was murdered – I know what really happened.
I’m not going to do the interview with you, because I need to get some money for my story. Put me in contact with Star and Enquirer, they pay. That’s the only way I’m talking.”
Well Miss Leolah what happened to all the love you felt for Nippy and wanting to see those who harmed her meet with justice? Yeah Gurl I thought so!

Sprint Has Announced That It Will Now Charge To Change Your Number
As of June 10, 2012, Sprint has announced that it will now charge its customers $15 to change their phone numbers either in person at Sprint stores or over the telephone on the Sprint Care customer service line. The third-largest mobile carrier in the United States is encouraging customers who want a new number to do so over the Internet, where the service will remain free.
AT&T and T-Mobile both charge fees to change your phone numbers as well, leaving Verizon as the last major carrier to offer the service at no charge.
What do you think?

Adele Ties Record with Number One Position on Billboard Chart
She truly is a musical powerhouse, and she has the Billboard chart to prove it. Adele has once again pushed her way to the top of the charts and is sitting comfortably in the number one position this past week.
The “Somebody Like You” songstress is celebrating her 68th week in the top 10 and according to statistics from NeilsonSoundScan, the singer has sold more than 75,000 copies of “21” this week bringing the total sales up to more than 9.3 million!
Sales soared even higher for the 24-year-old performer after her NBC special, increasing the numbers by 30-percent.
Adele has spent more than 60 weeks in the top three slots, which ties her with the “Saturday Night Fever” and “Purple Rain” soundtracks for 24 non-consecutive weeks in the number one position.
The British beauty may face some tough competition in the upcoming week with releases from Usher, Waka Flocka, the sexy rocker Grace Potter and the Nocturnals and country-star Josh Turner.
Congratulations, Adele!

Robin Thicke Says No More Kids For Now
Robin Thicke and wife Paula Patton are putting plans to expand their family on hold for the moment. The R&B crooner and “Duets” judge coach tells “People” magazine he and Paula are just too busy with their careers to bring another child into the world. The couple already has one son, two-year-old Julian Fuego Thicke, and Robin says it’s difficult trying to balance work with spending time with his son. 
He says it’s one of the sacrifices you have to make in this business but says he and Paula are in constant communication with each other to keep their marriage strong and their son happy. Thicke calls Patton an “incredible strong and brilliant woman,” adding that he hopes to be as “strong and brilliant” as she is.
Robin can be seen Thursday nights on ABC’s “Duets” alongside fellow judges John Legend, Kelly Clarkson and Jennifer Nettles. He’ll also be performing at the Playboy Jazz Festival this Sunday at the Hollywood Bowl. Robin Thicke and his son Julian were spotted at The Grove in LA. The father-son duo spent some quality time together before Robin made an appearance on Extra TV.

Floyd Mayweather Complains of Jail Conditions, Stint May Damage His Physique 

Although Floyd Mayweather, Jr. has done less than two weeks at this point, he’s already began to complain about it’s harmful affects. What’s the big deal? As you know, he’s been sentenced to three months (for domestic violence against his child’s mother), but according to doctors, being jailed could be highly detrimental to his career. In new legal documents, we’ve learned that he reportedly has to spend 23 hours of the day in isolation for his own safety and he is unable to train. In addition to not being able to train, his jail diet is harmful to keeping up with his boxer training regiment. A doctor notes that his jail stint could provide
“irreversible damage to Mr. Mayweather’s physique.”
They have requested house arrest instead. What do we think of Floyd’s request?

Burglars Break-Into Kanye West’s LA Home
According to reports, Kanye West’s Los Angeles home was hit by burglars. TMZ reports:
Someone in Kanye’s camp who was at Kanye’s home called the LAPD this morning to report the break-in. We do not know what, if anything, was taken but people at the scene tell us … there was evidence the thieves dropped some of Kanye’s possessions on the way out.. West is currently overseas wrapping up his European ‘Watch the Throne’ tour with fellow star Jay-Z and apparently witnesses told police that the thieves dropped some of his things on their way out.

In May, it was reported that the “Golddigger” singer put the same house on sale as a private listing close to the time that his girlfriend Kim Kardashian put her’s on the market, which sparked rumors that the two were moving in together.
Kanye has not made a statement about the recent crime, though there's already beefed up security surrounding his posh Tinseltown abode.

Raz B Denies Book Claims
A few weeks ago there were rumors that Raz B was releasing a tell all book outing Chris Brown, Bow Wow, Ray J, Marquis Houston and the rest of B2K .
Well Raz, who's still in China, says it's not true and he'll be releasing a statement soon...
Question; why is he still in China and doing what there?

Police hunt for prominent surgeon 'who shot dead former girlfriend at hospital where they worked!
Jacqueline Wisniewski, 33, killed at Erie County Medical Center where she was training to be a nurse
Police were hunting for a prominent trauma surgeon in connection with the fatal shooting of a former girlfriend at the hospital where they both worked.
Timothy V. Jorden Jr, a 49-year-old former Army medic and weapons expert, has eluded authorities since the shooting at the Erie County Medical Center in Buffalo, New York this morning.
The victim Jacqueline Wisniewski, 33, worked as a receptionist at the hospital and was described as a 'one-time girlfriend'. She has a young son and was training to be a nurse.
Witnesses reported hearing four shots just after 8am. Ms Wisniewski was found dead in a covered passageway connecting the Kidney Center and another wing of the hospital, according to ABC.
The shooting prompted a four-hour lockdown of the hospital, as SWAT teams and K-9 units swarmed the campus in an attempt to corner the killer.
Police believe Jorden, who they have named as a 'person of interest', could be 'special weapons trained' from his time in the Army.
Police have blocked a road leading to Jorden's home in an isolated area of private Lake View residences near the Lake Erie shore.

SWAT team members in camouflage arrived in unmarked SUVs and say he may be armed and dangerous. Officers had obtained a warrant and were using specialized robotic devices to search the home.
While many have described him as a popular surgeon, sources told the Buffalo News that he has recently suffered some emotional problems, but did not go into further detail.
A police helicopter and SWAT team members in camouflage surrounded his home on West Arnold Drive in Lakeview, blocking off access to the road.
But at a news conference Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown and Buffalo Police Commissioner Daniel Derenda said no residents, hospital staff or patients are in danger.
There have been conflicting reports about where exactly the shooting took place, with  some saying it occurred in a covered walkway between buildings, while others said it took place in a stairwell.
Officials said as many as 400 patients and about half of the hospital's 2,000 employees were on the grounds at the time.
'The SWAT Team is in control of the situation,' Buffalo police spokesman Michael J. DeGeorge said during a news conference after the shooting. 'It is an active situation.'
The hospital also diverted emergency room patients to Buffalo General Hospital but most of the campus re-opened at 2 p.m.
'Normally this is very safe,' hospital volunteer Lois Peterson told the Buffalo News. 'I've volunteered here for 42 years. But this is tragic.'
Police described Jorden as a bald, black male, about 6ft 2 and 250 pounds, and showed his photograph at check points in the search for tips.
Authorities also described the four vehicles - two GMC Sierra pickups, a Cadillac and a Chevrolet Cobalt - all registered in his name.

After completing high school, Jorden joined the Army and served with the Army's Special Forces, as a weapons expert then as a medic. He was on active duty in the Caribbean, Japan and Korea.
Jorden has been licensed to practice medicine in New York since 2002 and treats patients at the medical center and other major hospitals in the area.
'I've wanted to be a doctor since early in my military career as a medic,' Jorden told the Buffalo News in a 1996 profile, which featured pictures of his wife and their son.
He received his certification from the American Board of Surgery in 2004. There are no legal actions against his license and he has no criminal background.

Meet Erica Dixon Of "Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta," Get The Dish On Boyfriend Lil' Scrappy And BEEF With Diamond
Erica Dixon, the girlfriend and baby's mother of rapper Lil' Scappy, chatted exclusively about her new role on "Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta." If you don't know who she is, don't worry, I didn't either. But since we love a good love triangle and some good drama, we were quick to get to know Ms. Erica. From her relationship with her rapper boyfriend to beef with his ex to her drug addict parents, we've got it all.

I told you earlier about the cast of VH1's "Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta" but most of you were left with big question marks when you read off the names of the stars. One such castmate is Erica Dixon, the girlfriend of Lil' Scrappy and mother of his 7-year-old daughter Emani. Though many people don't know who she is now, Erica promises to break-out from Scrappy's shadow and show the world "I am my own woman."
I just had to know how the two co-parent and if there is/was any tension between her and Scrappy's ex, ATL rapper Diamond (who was also rumored to originally be cast for the show).

Atlanta native Erica spoke exclusively with with my girls over at TheYBF about her role on "L&H: Atlanta" and why she decided to do the show.
"I wanted people to know know who I am," she eagerly told us. "A lot of people associated Lil' Scrappy with Diamond and they assumed that my child was her child. So I just want to give people a little insight on who I am and what I have going on."
Erica revealed that she met Lil' Scrappy in 2002 right after she graduated high school, and they began a relationship that has been "on and off" over the years. Now this may strike some as odd since the rapper is commonly associated with his ex-chick Diamond. So what's up with all the overlap?
"We've been a relationship on and off for ten years. During that off period, he was with Diamond. That situation came along years down the line during the whole Crime Mob thing after he signed with Lil' Jon."
Well that explains it.

Erica added that there was NEVER a love triangle. "When Scrappy was with Diamond, he was not with me."
When asked if she ever has any contact with Diamond, Erica set the record straight:
"She was in a relationship with him, not me....so we don't have a relationship. But with a situation like that you have your ups and downs....but this is about me right now. I don't want to dwell on her. Whatever relationship they had is in the past."
But with Atlanta's hip hop community being so small, one would imagine the couple must still have some type of dealings with Diamond. In fact, rumors have been swirling that Diamond quit the show when she found out that Erica and Lil' Scrappy's mother, Mama Dee, had signed on. We inquired about the rumor. And Erica stayed mum due to being barred from talking too much about the show. Heaven forbid anything is revealed before the show actually airs.
Outside of the show, Erica says she is in the beginning stages of a couple of things: Developing an online clothing boutique and starting a non-profit organization that targets young girls.
"I had a hard childhood growing because I didn't have my mom around at all times," she explained.
Erica revealed that her mom was a drug addict and was in jail for her the first 6 years of her life. And because her father battled an alcohol addiction, she was raised by an aunt and uncle.

"But I've grown from that and I want youn girls to know that you can still grow up and be anything you want to be." She adds that she and her parents are in a much better space now and she has great relations with both of them.
With her own childhood being so rough, she makes it a point that Emani doesn't have those same issues.
"We are great parents. I am a mother first and Scrappy is a great Dad. He is crazy about his little girl. He is very invloved in any and everything she had going on."
She added that Mama Dee even gets in on the action making Christmas cookies, carving pumpkins for Halloween and is a fun grandmother. Does Erica have any regrets about the show? She said, "I like the castmates and the show itself was a great opportunity."
Check her Bio:

Check out "Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta" on tonight Monday, June 18, 7PMc.

FIRST LOOK: Chad Ochocinco & Evelyn Lozada’s Wedding Invitations
So they really are gonna do it!

Well it looks the wedding is still on with Evelyn Lozada and Chad Ochocinco. They sent out invites for their July 4th wedding, and of course we here at Gumbumper.com got a hold of one. If you notice on the invite, the details of the wedding location are not pictured. Also Ochocinco’s name change BACK to his original last name…Johnson, he’s intent to change his name back to Johnson, because he didn’t want his new bride to take on a “made-up” last name.
Who will be watching the entire wedding on VH1′s upcoming reality special “Eve and Ocho.”?

2012 BET Awards Show Lineup & Confirmed Artist
BET is setting the stage for the upcoming BET Awards. Organizers have announced Usher, 2 Chainz and Big Sean to their list of performers for the July 1st ceremony. They join previously announced performers Chris Brown and Nicki Minaj.
The announcement of Usher’s inclusion in the lineup came the same day as the release of his new album “Looking 4 Myself.” His return to the BET Awards stage will mark Usher’s first performance on the show since 2010. Kanye West leads the field of nominees heading into the ceremony with seven nominations. Jay-Z and Beyonce are close behind with six and five nods respectively. Samuel L.Jackson has been tapped to host the event at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles. BET will air the ceremony live on Sunday, July 1st, starting at 8:00 pm Eastern.

This year so far I was told all these artist have confirmed : Nicki , Chris Brown , Big Sean , 2 Chainz , other names I am hearing are, Beyonce Jay-Z , Kanye West, John Legend, CeLo , Puffy , Gladys Knight , Jennifer Hudson, Brandy , Wendy Williams , Will Smith , Jade , Willow , Love and Hip Hop Cast ATL , More names to be added..
Will you be watching? Usually its boring to me but who knows???

Kimora and Dijmon Come for Kola??
Dijmon Hounsou and Kimora Lee Simmons just served Kola Boof with a lawsuit.
Kola however, doesn't seem to care...


Yo Shawn Carter…w’sup with those pants?
Look, there is absolutely no judgement around these parts ok well a little. But when I saw Jay-Z arrive (via a helicopter) in Manchester,I peeped his attire. Casually dressed in Timb’s, scarf and a gray hoodie, internally we’re debating on if those black denims are FITTED or SKINNY Jeans. My vote is ‘fitted’, but who knows?
NO Ma’am fitted…Take them off NOW!

“Lookie Lookie I See Your Cookie”

I spy with my little eye….oh wait nevermind, I didn’t need to spy that at all. It’s pretty much right out there in the open


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