
BREAKING: Gospel Singer James Fortune, Accused of CHILD ABUSE?!


Gospel Singer James Fortune, Wife Respond To Lawsuit For Child Abuse!
Well My God…Bishop Jones shook the earth beneath me..NOW THIS????
Reports began to surface Monday that the gospel singer James Fortune (pictured) was being sued for a reported $5 million for abusing his then-4-year-old stepson back in 2001 and disfiguring him. Fortune pled guilty to the felony charge of injury to a child and received a six-year deferred adjudication. Now the biological Father of the victim, who is now 15 years old, wants Fortune to pay for the plastic surgery that could correct the disfigurements, reports My Fox.
According to the lawsuit, the tragic turn of events began when Fortune picked up his wife Cheryl‘s son from preschool. When the teacher told Fortune that the child misbehaved, he allegedly became infuriated. The man of God reportedly yelled and berated the child for his mischievous behavior, gave him time out, then prepared a scalding bath for him.

The lawsuit, which also names Cheryl, contends that Fortune then demanded that the little boy remove his clothing so that he could “whip the child with a switch.” The man then forcefully submerged the boy in extremely hot water and held him down.
The boy sustained second- and- third-degree burns over 47 percent of his body.
The child’s injuries were so extensive that he had to be flown to two hospitals for treatment. The permanently disfigured child remained at a hospital in Galveston, Texas, for 63 days, where he received various skin grafts for his hands, buttocks, genitals, and legs.
Watch the James Fortune’s child abuse case here:

Now, in response to his reignited scandal, the man who believes his mission is to draw lost souls to Christ has issued a response: 
I recently became aware of a civil suit pending against my wife, Cheryl Fortune, and I, for an incident that occurred in 2001 involving my stepson. There was a criminal investigation and all matters were resolved in 2003. Since that time, my family and I, including my stepson, have continued with family traditions and always have a loving family environment.

We are shocked by this lawsuit but understand people are free to use the court system to pursue claims, whether they contain merit or baseless matters. We are confident through this process, if it proceeds to a judge or jury, the ultimate decision maker will render a decision that is favorable to the circumstances and timing surrounding this situation. We believe in our American justice system and know it will work for us as it has for millions of other Americans.

I love all my children, including my stepson, and I ask for your prayers as we deal with this matter privately. Thank you for your continued support for me, my family, and ministry.*

Fortune is the former Minister of Music for Houston’s mega-church Higher Dimension. Besides being a recording artist, Fortune is a songwriter and producer. He and his group Fiya have received multiple Stellar Awards and are recognized for their songs “I Believe” and “I Trust You.”

And this little nugget came to me from someone in the Houston area. QUOTE ” I know all the parties in this case, the father is a respected educator in the Houston Community and owns a private school. He’s a hard worker and is loved by the students at his school. James Fortune is a selfish SOB who has preyed on people for years because church people are sooo stupid and vulnerable. So let me drop another bomb on you all…James has another mentally disabled child that they keep hidden away because its not a love child…its a rape child. That bastard participated in a gang rape at a church and it was determined by DNA he was the one who fathered the child. I can’t stand him or his fake wife!!! The news media needs to investigate that as well…UNQUOTE!

The question now remains, why isn’t this monster under a jail and why is Cheryl STILL with him??? It seems she's just as WARPED as he is! Somebody say, “WHAT THE HELL?”


  1. Seems like alot of the people of the church play for the other team.

  2. the sob needs to b tied up and disfigured like he did that child they need to put him under the jail and his dumbass wife needs to b there with him 4 still bein with him if she loved her child she b gone stupid bitch she is as much to blame as he is let a sob burn my child with hot water id drown that mfer with hot water hyprocrite
