
Why say the Bklyn Nets when they can be the NY N*ggers?


SAY WHAT? Why say the Bklyn Nets when they can be the New York N*ggers?

New York Post columnist Phil Mushnick isn't so sure about the direction of the storied New Jersey Nets as they plan their move to Brooklyn under the guidance of 1.5 percent owner Shawn Carter, better known as Jay-Z. Buried on the second page of his "Equal Time" column is this horribly racist assessment of their new logo:

As long as the Nets are allowing Jay-Z to call their marketing shots — what a shock that he chose black and white as the new team colors to stress, as the Nets explained, their new “urban” home why not have him apply the full Jay-Z treatment?
Why the Brooklyn Nets when they can be the New York Niggers? The cheerleaders could be the Brooklyn Bitches or Hoes. Team logo? A 9 mm with hollow-tip shell casings strewn beneath. Wanna be Jay-Z hip? Then go all the way
Next-level satire about out-of-touch critiques of hip-hop culture, or the latest old white guy to stumble way over the line? This is an easy one.
Mushnick can't believe the outrage. He tells Bob's Blitz:
Such obvious, wishful and ignorant mischaracterizations of what I write are common. I don't call black men the N-word; I don't regard young women as bitches and whores; I don't glorify the use of assault weapons and drugs. Jay-Z, on the other hand.....Is he the only NBA owner allowed to call black men N---ers?
Jay-Z profits from the worst and most sustaining self-enslaving stereotypes of black-American culture and I'M the racist? Some truths, I guess, are just hard to read, let alone think about.
Self-enslaving, eh? He told the Village Voice a variation of the same thing, adding, "I don't call black men niggas; my kids never heard the word until folks such as Jay-Z came along
." DAMN LIAR and I me thinks Mushnick should probably stop talking for today.

Mushnick has responded to request for comments to several media outlets with this:
A good portion of my columns, the last 30 years, has been devoted to the identification and condemnation of increased incivility and social desensitization as marketing strategy within sports and all forms of entertainment. I see this as no different and I plan to continue to argue against the negative racial and ethnic stereotyping and the promotion of mindless violence, especially to the young and most vulnerable....


I do not know about you but this is totally appalling that they would allow this person to write such an article and equally that they have decided to publish it. Phil is lucky he lives up north if because other areas of the country may not be so kind to him or his remarks. I understand fully the right of free speech and freedom of the press ( this is why Rush KKK Limbaugh has remained on the air) but there should be limits of what you can or should say and publish. You can’t say fire in a crowded room but you can write, say and publish racial slurs without fear.Something must be done people. Sitting on your sofa saying "oh well that's just his ignorance" is YOUR IGNORANCE! How long we will endure such uncalled for and derogatory statements. Our young Black women being called 'NAPPY HEADED HOES' along with the Rush Limbaugh revolution against Black people and now Phil Mushnick too. this is NOT responsible journalism, or publishing.

Remember this????

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