
Pastor Bryant: Obama The Black Church Demands an Explanation!

POT CALLING KETTLE?, Pastor Jamal Bryant: Obama Better Get To Black Churches Soon To Explain Himself on Gay Marriage
Pastor Jamal Bryant did an interview with the Tom Joyner Morning Show about President Obama’s support of gay marriage and seemed to indicate that President Obama has some damage control to do in the black church.

Pastor Jamal Bryant.
“I absolutely, vehemently disagree with the president,” Bryant said. “I agree with his presidency, but with this policy, I do not agree. Marriage is the original institution of the church.”
Asked if he would switch over and vote for Mitt Romney, Bryant said, “I think, given the option I’ve got, which is Mitt Romney, I’ve got no choice.”
“Black people are not going to switch over to the Republican party or put Romney signs on their front lawn. The critical concern is whether they will vote with apathy and not show up at the polls,” Bryant said.
“The reality is, President Obama better be in some black churches real soon clapping his hands, singing Amazing Grace and waving that right hand because the black vote is going to be very critical and apathy may win this election if we don’t get on the ground,” Pastor Bryant warned.

Do you agree? I DON'T!  He's The President NOT a Presiding Prelate! And this from a Man who couldn't even obey they sanctity of Marriage himself!

Does President Obama need to go to black churches and explain himself?

1 comment:

  1. Pastor J needs to be mindful his past isn't far enough behind him to be passed... Plus, he's making himself seem homophobic, and we know what that means... Also, he is scripturally incorrect, and in danger of the warnings of Jeremiah...
