


Corey BARACK should slap the sh*t Out of you for that stunt you pulled on M.T.P Sunday!

Newark, NJ mayor Cory Booker released a YouTube video Sunday evening reiterating his support for President Barack Obama and clarifying criticism he made earlier in the day about the president's campaign tactics.
Booker, who on Sunday's "Meet the Press" said he found Obama's attacks on Mitt Romney's record at Bain Capital to be "nauseating," stated in the YouTube video that the president's reelection team should be questioning Romney's background in the private sector.


"Mitt Romney has made his business record a centerpiece of his campaign," Booker said in the video. "He's talked about himself as a job creator. And therefore, it is reasonable, and in fact I encourage it, for the Obama campaign to examine that record and to discuss it."
Booker continued: "In fact, I believe that Mitt Romney, in many ways, is not being completely honest with his role and his record."
The mayor's initial comments came in response to a series of videos released by the Obama campaign last week that portrayed Romney as a job-killer. Romney has since defended his record at the firm, calling the president's campaign tactics "off target."
On "Meet the Press," Booker offered an eyebrow-raising indictment of the Obama strategy. 

"This kind of stuff is nauseating to me on both sides," Booker said. "It's nauseating to the American public. Enough is enough. Stop attacking private equity."
In the YouTube video, the mayor insisted that his earlier comments were intended to criticize the nature of negative campaigning, not the president nor his policies. In fact, Booker explained in the video, "I believe Barack Obama has the right ideas to move this nation forward."
"This campaigning is about to become an avalanche, and in many ways, I believe, could potentially risk muting out the important voices of the candidates themselves talking about the issues that matter,"
Booker said.

Maybe you should have a damn seat and stop trying to run around town with that FAT   FACE Gov of yours named Chris Christie and STOP trying to be the next Laurel and Hardy!

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