
Trayvon Martin's Girlfriend Interviewed By Prosecutors

Trayvon Martin's Girlfriend Interviewed By Prosecutors

Trayvon Martin's girlfriend has been formally interviewed by prosecutors in connection with the unarmed 17-year-old's death after neighborhood watch captain, George Zimmerman shot and killed him,
As previously reported, Martin was killed by Zimmerman, who claimed self defense, as he was walking through a gated community, carrying candy and iced tea.

Martin's girlfriend, who is a minor so I won't be disclosing her identity, was interviewed at an undisclosed location for more than two and a half hours.
"Trayvon's girlfriend was interviewed by the two district attorneys that Special Prosecutor Angela Corey appointed to the case," a source says. "She was interviewed last week and her mother was present throughout. She was very forthcoming and had pertinent information to the investigation because she was the last person that talked to Trayvon before George Zimmerman shot and killed him. It was extremely emotional for her and her mother wanted to make sure it wasn't too much for her. She would be a very compelling witness for the state of Florida if criminal charges are filed against George Zimmmerman."

The day after Trayvon's wake, his girlfriend was so emotionally distraught upon learning she was the last person who talked to him that she had to be taken to the hospital.

"The day after his wake, Trayvon's family attorney, Benjamin Crump, who had been conducting his own extensive investigation because cops had determined the shooting was in self defense, told Trayvon's girlfriend she was the last person to talk to him," Benjamin had reviewed Trayvon's cell phone bill and it was revealed that she was on the phone with him in the moments before Trayvon was shot.
The Florida State Attorney's Office has issued a subpoena for Trayvon's girlfriend to appear in front of the grand jury when it's impaneled on April 10.
"From Trayvon's girlfriend's meeting with prosecutors she got the impression that she might not be called to testify before the grand jury because Zimmerman might be arrested and charged before then. If she is needed to testify in front of the grand jury though she absolutely will," the insider says.

Very strange that they issue her a subpoena but not George Zimmerman! 
We still need Justice for Trayvon!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for keeping this info out in the public.
