
The Daily Roundup for April 27

Kim and Kanye continue to play Hi, We’re a Couple!
Her sister Khloe insists that Kim Kardashian's relationship with Kanye West is not serious just yet.
But the 34-year-old rapper's outing with girlfriend Kim and the entire Kardashian clan this evening certainly says otherwise.
And fittingly Kanye, who recently started dating the 31-year-old reality star, accompanied the whole family to the opening of Kourtney's boyfriend Scott Disick's restaurant where their every affectionate moment could be captured by the cameras.
The couple arrived together holding hands, their first public declaration that they are in a relationship together.
The action was to say the least a rather large sign that the singer is moving ahead with his relationship with the curvy star quickly.
And it was no wonder he wanted to rush to his ladylove's side.
Kim stepped out for the event looking elegant in a black tight-fitting pencil skirt and matching halterneck top with frill detailing at the bib.
She paired the look with some black satin and perspex pointy stilettos, a black weave clutch and two gold cuffs on each of wrists.
Her boyfriend of a matter of two weeks appeared to be matching his outfit to his girlfriend's.

The Touch The Sky rapper looked dashing in a black tuxedo-style suit with a simple grey T-shirt worn underneath. Anything for publicity.

Deion Sanders CLAIMS Pilar Sanders And A Friend JUMPED HIM! And now she’s been arrested!
Pilar Sanders must not have been pleased to find out that Deion Sanders and Tracey Edmonds went on a "date" last night, cause she and a friend just opened a can of whoop ass on him in Texas! Deion, a former NFL defensive back turned NFL Network analyst, tweeted Monday about an apparent run-in between himself and Pilar, his estranged wife.
“Pray for me and my kids now! They just witnessed their mother and a friend jump me in my room. She’s going to jail n I’m pressing charges!”
And go to jail she did (see her mugshot above). According to the Colin County Jail website, Pilar was booked for “assault family violence.” (Maybe what instigated the confrontation were photos of Deion with Tracey Edmonds Sunday night in New York at a performance of Blair Underwood’s “Streetcar Named Desire.”)
Anyway, the NFL Hall of Famer later tweeted that he was upset his sons were involved in the incident.
“I’m sad my boys witnessed this mess but I warned the police department here that she was gone try n harm me and my boys. This is on my mama!” he wrote.
He also tweeted aphoto of himself and his sons filling out paperwork, writing that he was “filling out police reports now.” He added: “Thank God for this (Twitter) platform to issue the Truth.”
Although Pilar and Deion are going through a bitter divorce, they are still living together in their suburban Dallas home.
Deion told TMZ that Pilar had been taken to the hospital immediately after the incident — claiming she needed medical treatment, but she is now in police custody.
Deion claims he didn’t harm his estranged wife, and only “defended” himself until he was able to call police.
This was already sad and messy, now the element of violence has been introduced! Sigh......................

Essence Shifts White Male Managing Editor for his Right Wing Anti-Obama Feelings
Facebook Page Filled With Right-Wing Messages
A Michael Bullerdick Facebook pageEssence magazine and its white male managing editor — whom the leading magazine for black women has emphasized had a production, not an editorial role — are parting ways, a spokeswoman told Journal-isms Friday, after right-wing material on his Facebook page was brought to the editors' attention.
The hiring of Michael Bullerdick last July created an uproar, partly because the title of "managing editor" implied to many a major role for a white man in the editorial process of a magazine for black women.
In his LinkedIn profile, Bullerdick lists "Edit stories for tone and style" among his duties, even though editor-in-chief Constance C.R. White insisted when he was hired, "Michael is responsible for production and operational workflow. He has no involvement in editorial content."
Michael BullerdickThe announcement of Bullerdick's departure for the book division of Time Warner, the conglomerate that owns Essence, came after Journal-isms shared screen shots of Bullerdick's Facebook page taken by a reader.
"Essence readers would be shocked to find that Bullerdick, who under the prodding of Time Inc became the first white male editor at the magazine last year, openly espouses extremist Right-wing views that run counter to what Essence has historically stood for," the Journal-isms reader wrote in an email.
In one screen shot, an April 10 posting is headlined, "No Voter Fraud, Mr. Attorney General?" touting a video by James O'Keefe, the conservative activist who worked with right-wing trickster Andrew Breitbart. The same day, Bullerdick shared a photo illustration of Al Sharpton headlined, "MSNBC Race Pimp." Bullerdick also recommends material from the conservative magazine Human Events and the right-wing website townhall.com, from which Bullerdick posted "the Frequent Bomber Program," an article about 1960s radical Bill Ayers. Bullerdick wrote, "Obama's mentor and friend."
During the 2008 presidential campaign, then-Illinois Sen. Barack Obama noted that he was a child when Ayers notoriously was a member of the Weathermen, protesting the Vietnam War. "The former Weatherman, William Ayers, now holds the position of distinguished professor of education at the University of Illinois-Chicago," Michael Dobbs wrote in 2008 in the Washington Post. . . . Both Obama and Ayers were members of the board of an anti-poverty group, the Woods Fund of Chicago . . . Whatever his past, Ayers is now a respected member of the Chicago intelligentsia, and still a member of the Woods Fund Board."
Through a spokeswoman, White initially gave Journal-isms this statement on Friday: "As editor-in-chief, I'm responsible for all editorial content for Essence. I hired Michael to manage the production schedule of Essence. As head of production, he does not attend editorial idea meetings, nor does he get involved in the editorial direction of the magazine."
Later, however, the spokeswoman said, "By mutual agreement, Michael has accepted a position in another division."
The episode is yet another in which employees' social media activities have created tension between employer and employee. To forestall such conflict, some news organizations have forbidden employees to express political views in social media.
Just last month, for example, ESPN said its journalists would be violating its social media policy by displaying pictures of themselves wearing hoods on Twitter in solidarity with the slain teenager Trayvon Martin. Then the network reversed itself.
Asked whether Essence has developed a social media policy, the spokeswoman said by email, "Employees must follow the Standards of Business Conduct, which is distributed to everyone at the company. Dan Okrent (who heads up Editorial Standards and Practices for Time Inc.) has been working for some time now with our top Editors to develop a social media policy. This will be released when the work is done." Okrent was the first New York Times public editor.
According to his LinkedIn profile, Bullderdick is a magazine industry veteran who was a corporate managing editor for American Media from August 2004 to January 2011.
He also lists himself as Consultant/Editorial Director for American Athlete magazine from August 2011 to the present. In that position, he oversees "print, digital and brand positioning for this innovative digital magazine and Website with social media extensions (late 2011 launch). Conceptualize stories, set tone, hire all talent, write, top edit and oversee all content across platforms."

No successor to Bullerdick was named. While ion the midst of this firestorm Dr Boyce Watkins who is a professor and columnist posed these questions.
1) How did you let a right wing bigot into a key decision-making position in the first place?
I wouldn’t be surprised if someone inside Essence Magazine was responsible for releasing the screen shots of Bullerdick’s facebook page, which made him look like one of Rush Limbaugh’s biggest fans. One must also wonder how this man got through the door and why no one vetted him properly. It’s one thing for Bullerdick to be the guy taking out the trash, and another thing for him to be responsible for filtering the content that will shape the minds and perceptions of millions of black women across America…if only the Republicans were dumb enough to let me to do the same thing, I’d be able to destroy them.
Bullerdick has been in his position for months, and it’s disturbing when an editor of a major black women’s publication espouses views which communicate that he has very little respect for black people. If any of the women at Essence were at Fox News doing the same thing, they would be fired faster than you can say, “Post-racial society.”

2) Was Bullerdick lying about his job description or were you?
Essence Editor-in-Chief, Constance White, became somewhat defensive when the public began to question the hiring of Bullerdick. Richard Prince does a very good job of pointing out the double-talk by stating that:
“In his LinkedIn profile, Bullerdick lists ‘Edit stories for tone and style’ among his duties, even though editor-in-chief Constance C.R. White insisted when he was hired, ‘Michael is responsible for production and operational workflow. He has no involvement in editorial content.’”
So, which one is it? That he edits for tone and style or that he has no involvement in editorial content? Either Bullerdick is lying or White is lying. I’d love to speak to a member of the staff to find out which one it is.

3) Do you understand just how deeply this man has disrespected you and your constituents?
No one can fault Michael Bullerdick for being a white guy. We can’t even necessarily attack him for being a Republican. But it’s one thing to be a Republican and another thing to be the kind of nasty, racist, vile Republican that even Fox News won’t hire. The remarks made by Bullerdick on his Facebook page about black public figures were a direct slap in the face to the millions of black people who pay the bills at Essence Magazine.
By being so bold in his disrespectful and possibly racist ideology, Bullerdick was effectively saying, “I don’t care what you people think and I have no respect for you.”
We should also note that every public figure being attacked on the screenshot of Bullerdick’s Facebook page “just happens” to be black. Of course he would expect us to see things differently, since people like him believe that racism is a figment of our imagination.

4) Who told you to hire this dude in the first place?
It’s hard to become the Managing Editor at Essence Magazine by just walking in off the street and handing them your resume. In order for anyone, let alone someone who isn’t black and female, to get this kind of job, they usually have to have a connection. To make the hire into a reality, someone has to say “I’ve worked with this guy in the past and he’s good.” Another possibility is that a higher up at Time Warner (the company that owns Essence) made a phone call and told White to hire Bullerdick for the job.
I’d love to know who the puppet master happens to be, because it’s hard to imagine that the old school Essence Magazine of the 1990s would have ever hired anyone like this. This “racial mutiny” within the walls of Essence is disturbing to anyone who loves the institution and indicative of something deeper. The incident also makes it clear that some things have changed for the worse.

5) What now?
Whether speaking of an interaction between two people or between a magazine and its readers, all relationships require trust. By folding to corporate financial pressure and giving decision-making responsibility to individuals who do not have the black community’s interest at heart, Essence Magazine has engaged in a massive breach of trust with the black community and made questionable decisions which indicate that profit matters more than people. From this point on, any “diversity decisions” are going to be viewed with a critical eye, and this incident is a telling reminder of what can happen when our most prized institutions hand over their power to the highest bidder.

The fact is that ownership is highly correlated with power, which is something that white folks figured out long ago. African Americans, by believing that their power is in the paycheck, almost always find ourselves sitting on the sidelines complaining after we’ve been disrespected by those who own us. Malcolm X warned us about this kind of thinking a long time ago.
Malcolm’s birthday is next month, so perhaps we should use this as an opportunity to reflect on the power of ownership when it comes to managing the institutions that control the minds of black people. The fact of the matter is that some things should NEVER be for sale, and we can’t continue to allow ourselves to be hoodwinked.

Kandi Burruss Doesn’t Want Sheree Whitfield to Leave ‘RHoA’
At least someone will miss the lovely Sheree Whitfield.
Her road kitty, Kandi Burruss, is upset that she’s leaving “Real Housewives of Atlanta” and expressed her resentment for the decision via her Twitter account.
“I hate that they made that decision,” Kandi tweeted.
But then this brings up the whole bit about whether or not Sheree was fired or left voluntarily. She did say it was her own decision to leave due to unfair treatment and the network didn’t dispute that.
Hmm, looks like we’ll never know what the real story is. Oh well.

Jennifer Hudson First Witness To Take The Stand In Family Murder Trial
Jennifer Hudson bravely took the stand Monday as the first witness in the trial of William Balfour — never mind saving bombshells for the end of the trial, prosecutors brought out their big gun on day one. Though Jennifer was on the list of potential people to take the stand, it was unclear whether she would actually be called to testify in the trial against William Balfour, the estranged husband of her sister Julia and the man accused of killing Hudson’s mother, brother and 7-year-old nephew back in October 2008. But called she was — wasting no time, Jennifer immediately spoke of how she warned her sister not to marry William.
“I told her over and over again to not marry him,” Jennifer said, voice trembling, on the stand. “We did not like how he treated her.” Jennifer, who appeared dressed-down for her testimony, wearing little makeup, with her hair pulled back and donning a black suit, also appeared to be crying when she told the court she “talked to her [mother] every single day.”
The tears continued in earnest when she described the last time she saw her slain family members, a meeting which took place just one week before they were killed. “It was my mother, my brother, my sister and my dog,” Jennifer said, explaining that they had paid a surprise and welcome visit to her home. “I was so surprised. The whole family is here.
“That was the last time I saw them,” she said, crying. “Thank God I had the opportunity.” Jennifer said that she spent the visit playing piano with her brother and mother and at one point became so overcome with emotion that the judge stopped her testimony to ask if she was okay. She took a moment to dab her eyes before resuming.
In the courtroom providing moral support for Jennifer are her fiancé David Otuga and other members of the Hudson family. The trial is expected to last roughly four weeks.

VH1 ‘Single Ladies’ New ICE CREAM Promo Released
Check out the new season 2 promo for VH1′s “Single Ladies” which stars Lisa Raye McCoy,Charity Shea and new cast member Denise Vasi. Releasing a new ice cream themed ad for its hit series, “Single Ladies”, VH1 is gearing up for the season 2 premiere May 28th at 9PM ET/PT.
Watch the tv ad below:

Are you ready?

Trina Braxton Pulls the Plug on Marriage
Back in January Trina Braxton revealed that she and her husband Gabe had been separated long before Gabe was busted online having cyber sex .
Finally fed up, Trina pulls the plug on her struggling marriage...

Trina tells 365 Voice
"As far as the status of Gabe and I, I have filed for divorce however we are being very adult about it. We are talking, we are still raising the children together and we are still praying about his sex addiction therapy that he’s going to a counselor for as well. We’re doing a lot of praying and a lot of keeping outside influences away from our decision making. I think that’s one of the biggest mistakes we’ve made through the seasons of Braxton Family Values.”

T.I. BLASTS Azealia Banks For "B*tch Sh*t" With Iggy Azalea, Azealia RESPONDS Calling Him A "Snitch" And "Clown"
While promoting his new album, Trouble Man, the hosts of Chicago's The Morning Riot asked T.I. to comment on the rap beef between his artist Iggy Azalea and "212" rapper Azealia Banks’. He responded by calling it “bitch shit.”
Around the 3:30 mark, he says,
"Now you see the thing is about that. Guess what. I'ain even no nuthin about it to just now. I'ain even see it. Now I know they goin through they thang. But the fact that she's speaking upon me and mine. And I never. I'ain even see it. That is what I consider and excuse my language but that's bitch shit. I'm a man. You ain't got no business addressing me. You got a man, get him to address me and he and I can speak on it. But you and me - naw, keep dealing with that woman. Yall handle that. Me and you we aint got nowhere to go with that. I do what men do."

But Azealia didn't heed the warning and go get a man to speak for her. She promptly got on Twitter calling Tip a snitch and a clown.
Listen to the interview here: 

I'm sure this won't be the last we hear from either of them.

Meagan Good Covers Fearless Magazine 
Actress Meagan Good, covers the latest issue of the new magazine “Fearless”, and who is celebrating the success of having her latest film snag the #1 spot at this weekend’s box office in “Think Like A Man”. Meagan’s cover was shot by photographer Steven Kay and styled by Dee Dee Kelly and Arian Simone.
Your Thought??

A Streetcar Named Desire On Broadway
The new revival of Tennessee Williams’ A Streetcar Named Desire, which features all Black actors in the lead roles, opened earlier this week at the Broadhurst Theatre in New York City. An excellent ensemble cast — a fragile Nicole Ari Parker stars as the doomed Blanche, a swaggering Blair Underwood as Stanley, a spitfire Daphne Rubin-Vega as Stella and a laconic Wood Harris as Mitch combines under taut directing from Emily Mann to create a fresh way to enjoy an iconic play. The production feels authentically New Orleans, thanks in no small part to city native Terence Blanchard’s original up-tempo music.
Check out the photos from the opening night performance:

If in NYC you must check this performance out.

UGH….YOU AGAIN: Raz B Invites B2K to China
A few days ago Raz B went off on Twitter making veiled references to the sexual abuse he suffered during his stint in the boy band B2K.

What a difference a few days makes. Raz B has had a change of heart and is ready to reunite with the guys...

Chelsea Handler BASHES Angelina Jolie AGAIN!!
I’m sure you know that Chelsea Handler isn’t a fan of Angelina Jolie, and she had many “Changeling” chick in her interview with More magazine’s May 2012 issue.
Chelsea is BFFs with Jennifer Aniston, and she was asked to describe the “the opposite of a girl’s girl.”

She replied, “Probably Angelina Jolie. You just know as a woman, when you see another woman, if that’s a woman you can trust.”
“[Angelina Jolie] doesn’t strike me as someone I would have a close friendship with,” she added. Back in December 2012 Chelsea called Jolie a “home wrecker,” “f**king c**t,” and “f**king bi**h” during a stand-up gig.

Ray J Sued Over No Show
Brandy's little brother has been mostly M.I.A. since the death of Whitney Houston, but lawsuits don't wait until you've stopped grieving to come for you...

From TMZ
Ray J is taking a 5-figure beating in court -- because a judge has ordered the singer to pay more than $26,000 ... after allegedly blowing off a radio appearance in South Carolina back in 2010. The SC station -- called Cox Radio -- originally sued Ray J, claiming it paid him $20,000 to MC at a local event for a couple hours ... then attend a meet-and-greet with fans for another 30 minutes. But according to the lawsuit, Ray blew the entire thing off -- and absconded with the money. A South Carolina judge ruled in favor of Cox radio because Ray never showed up,awarding it $25,100 -- but Ray didn't pay, so Cox took the judgment to Ray's primary state of residence ... California. 

The judgment has since swelled to $26,848.33. So far, no word back from Ray.

Rick Ross Almost Goes To Jail Over Pot On Yacht
Rick Ross can thank one of his quick-thinking friends for saving him from possible drug charges. According to TMZ, the rap star was almost arrested last Thursday while on board his yacht in Florida. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission stopped Rick’s boat after they allegedly noticed the smell of marijuana. Authorities searched the yacht, but didn’t find any weed.
A friend of Ross’ went on to admit that he had been smoking pot on the boat, but tossed it overboard when he saw the officers approaching. Fortunately for Rick and everyone else onboard, since the police didn’t find any drugs, they didn’t make any arrests.

“King Of Pop”
Why is is that when I tattoo a picture of a child molester on my body everyone flips out, yet when she does it everyone breaks into a song and dance?


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