
Taj from SWV. Why is your Hubby with this Drunk Driver?

Eddie ,Taj will NOT be happy about you with this Blonde who caught for a DUI!
Former NFL star Eddie George--the husband of Tamara "Taj" George from singing group SWV--was caught up in a recent DUI. But he wasn't the culprit. A pro-golfing blonde was.
21-year-old Rachel Connor--a pro-golfer from the UK who is here in America on a visa--was arrested at 2:21AM this morning in Sarasota, Florida for a DUI. And, according to TMZ, a man identified as 38-year-old Eddie George was in the passenger seat. Eddie didn't get arrested, only Rachel.

Her topmost breathalyzer registered at .137, way over the .8 legal limit. Rachel claimed she only had 2 vodka cranberries earlier in the night. But cops said she couldn't walk a straight line or count in numerical order. She was also cheesing extra hard in her mugshot.

Rachel twitpic'd the above picture several hours before of herself (on far left), Eddie and a friend at an event. And another pic of them together on a golf course. So it was likely some type of celebrity golf event. And apparently Eddie needed a ride back to his hotel?

And remember him and his wife Taj wrote a book about real love and marriage Title “Married For REAL"
I bet Eddie got some real splaining to do!

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