
SHOCK! HIV-Positive Maid Put Blood In Child’s Cereal!

HIV-Positive Maid Put Period Blood In Pre-School Child’s Cereal
Here is some world news from our people over seas… 17 year old maid, Pelagia Mureya was found guilty of willful transmission of HIV after her fresh blood was found in the cereal she was feeding a child she was taking care of.
A court attendant who listened to the ordeal vomited while listening to the details of this nasty ordeal. Cops say on February 13 2012, the accused cooked porridge for the child who was headed to daycare. After preparing the porridge, Pelagia then fed the child. As the child ate the mother noticed a drop of blood in the porridge and ordered her child to stop eating.

She left court attendants numb after she was found guilty of mixing her blood with the pre-school going child’s food. She was sentenced to 12 months in prison for willful transmission of HIV. Two months were suspended on condition the accused does not commit a similar offense in the next three years.
She asked the maid where the blood came from but the maid said she didn’t know. The mother took the porridge, the victim and the accused to Gutu Rural Hospital in Zimbabwe, where it was confirmed that the blood belonged to Pelagia and that she was HIV positive!
The hospital advised the mother to report the matter to the police leading to Pelagia`s arrest. In court Pelagia initially professed ignorance of the matter but she gave conflicting statements under cross examination. She was asked whether she had ever slept with a man in her life and she said she did not. When the court adjourned to verify the issue, Pelagia changed her statement and said she had slept with several men. She then told the court she suspected the blood could have dropped off from her pants into the porridge without her knowledge.
HUH? Shell shocked people battled to find answers as to why a maid would go to such levels of cruelty against an employer and an innocent child.

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