
Ken Mehlman, I’m sorry to the LGBTQ Community. Forgiveness, or Not?

Ken Mehlman: says he’s ‘sorry’ For his Role In 2004 Anti-Gay Marriage Push across the country
Ken Mehlman, the former Republican National Committee chairman and President George W. Bush re-election campaign manager who came out as gay in August 2010, said that he regrets his role in the campaign's anti-gay marriage push 2004.
"At a personal level, I wish I had spoken out against the effort," he told Salon in an interview published Friday, referring to the campaign's attempt to draw out the conservative base by attacking same-sex marriage.

"As I’ve been involved in the fight for marriage equality, one of the things I’ve learned is how many people were harmed by the campaigns in which I was involved," he continued. "I apologize to them and tell them I am sorry. While there have been recent victories, this could still be a long struggle in which there will be setbacks, and I’ll do my part to be helpful."
In 2004, 11 states resoundingly passed gay marriage bans, and Bush publicly supported a federal constitutional amendment banning gay marriage. However, some political scientists have doubted that the gay marriage referenda had much effect on re-electing Bush -- a view that Mehlman shares.
Since coming out, Mehlman pushed for gay marriage in New York, Maryland and New Hampshire. He has also raised money for the effort to support a legal challenge against California's gay marriage ban, Proposition 8. He serves on the board of the American Foundation for Equal Rights, which is the sole sponsor to the Prop. 8 federal court challenge.
In the Atlantic interview where he acknowledged his sexuality, Mehlman said that if he had come out sooner, he might have been able to play a role in opposing the gay marriage bans.
"I can't change the fact that I wasn't in this place personally when I was in politics, and I genuinely regret that. It was very hard, personally," he said.

This is a hard one. This Man traveled the country to encourage states to enact HORRIFIC laws that harm and even caused some Gays to their death. And even now you’re holding fundraisers to those congressman who want enact even worse laws against the LGBTQ Community?
Ahem’ Ken it might be a little too late.

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