
Roland Martin,SUSPENDED from CNN! Too much, or not enough? Lets Talk!

Roland Martin, SUSPENDED from CNN! Too much, or not enough? Lets Talk
As I reported a few days ago about Roland Martin’s Tweet during the Super Bowl. Well CNN had taken action calling his comments ‘regrettable.’
Roland Martin’s tweets were regrettable and offensive. Language that demeans is inconsistent with the values and culture of our organization, and is not tolerated. We have been giving careful consideration to this matter, and Roland will not be appearing on our air for the time being.

However Roland Martin did Apologized; "To those who construed my comment as being anti-gay or homophobic or advancing violence, I’m truly sorry. I can certainly understand how someone could come to a different conclusion than the one I meant. I’m disheartened that my words would embolden prejudice. While public debate over social issues is healthy, no matter which side someone takes, there is no room for debate as to whether we need to be respectful of others. Violence against gay people or against any other minority isn’t a political opinion."

Now GLAAD has issued a reaction.
"CNN today took a strong stand against anti-LGBT violence and language that demeans any community,” said GLAAD spokesperson Rich Ferraro. “Yesterday, Martin also spoke out against anti-LGBT violence. We look forward to hearing from CNN and Roland Martin to discuss how we can work together as allies and achieve our common goal of reducing such violence as well as the language that contributes to it.”


My opinion on that is Roland DOES NOT need to sit with GLAAD! What he needs to do is go and talk to African American LGBTQ's so he can see from folks with skin like his how words can hurt and see how this have affected them especially after a Black gay Male was just brutally beat by a bunch of thugs in Atlanta.

Why I say African Americans is because from the last African American who made a joke that was indeed wrong (Tracy Morgan) who did sit with GLAAD and did an apology tour to me in the end it meant NOTHING. Why? Because on every gay blog you all know the many of them. In the comment section all I kept reading was I WILL NEVER FORGIVE TRACY MORGAN! ….WTF!?! Then why apologize and they’re now even saying the same about Roland! Whose group is being childish now?

However as of this morning he has decided to meet with GLAAD tweeting;

On Twitter I‘ve seen some tweets that questions the severity of the suspension. Take a look

And as for this tweet from his wife Mrs. Martin

I had a *blank stare*and could not believe she actually tweeted this!
However she later said that her account was hacked. I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt on that. However a lot of folks aren’t.

So do you think he should have been suspended? 

Some say YES some say NO. And before I hear anything like this “IF HE WOULD HAVE SAID N*GGER. HE WOULD HAVE BEEN FIRED IMMEDIATELY” Really then go and ask MSNBC why Pat Buchanan stayed on the air for 6 years screaming racial epithets before he got a so called suspension? Then ask CNN why is Erik Ericsson still on their network and ask TIME Magazine why would you keep Mark Halperin as Editor at Large when he literally called The President of The United States a “DICK” yes a “DICK”?

Lets Talk!

1 comment:

  1. Bingo!! It's time to start calling this crap out!

    CNN's Roland Martin, GLAAD and Sensitive Gays
