
Is There Trouble in Paradise Between Anderson & Ben?

Anderson Cooper and his boyfriend, club owner Ben Maisani…Over, Or Not???
Tea Time; CNN's charismatic Anderson Cooper and his boyfriend, club owner Ben Maisani, turned up at the gayest party in town.
It was gay club promoter Josh Wood's birthday bash in a suite at the Chelsea Hotel, and I hear it was attended by a glittery bunch of males, plus two women and one person who doesn't want to be categorized.
In other words, it was even more gay-male-heavy than a Thai restaurant in Hell's Kitchen. 

This normally wouldn't be news, except that Anderson doesn't go to that many expressly gay events anymore (though he's as gay as ever in his choice of topics to cover on the tube).
And by the way, I hear he talked to a lot of people at the party--but not porn titan Michael Lucas, who knows him and thought getting dissed was weird.
However, It seems there is trouble in paradise that the relationship is near an end? I read this from a message board in regards to this tea bit; This person claims to know Joey A.C's personal assistant, he says we aren't great friends but have mutual friends and are friendly when we see each at parties or dinner gatherings. Well he was in Starbucks this morning as I stopped in to get my coffee. According to him Anderson asked if he could go to his house and be there while Ben moved some stuff out and lock up afterwards. It doesn't look to good. I always thought they kinda looked cute together.
Then Friday they were spotted in New York having a tense lunch.Anderson Cooper and Benjamin Maisani having a “tense” brunch at La Lanterna di Vittorio, where “Anderson was on his BlackBerry the whole time”

That's too bad :( I truly Wish them the best!

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